Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 20 80.0

line true false branch
122 0 6 if (defined $self->host and lc $self->host eq 'localhost' || $self->host eq '') { }
2 4 elsif (-f $self->database) { }
161 1 45 if ($self->driver eq 'Oracle' and $k eq 'SERVER')
167 2 43 if ($k =~ m[^//.+/.+]u and not defined $v and @pairs == 1) { }
3 80 elsif (not defined $v and @pairs == 1) { }
176 2 0 if ($p[1])
181 2 0 if (my $host = $u->authority)
184 2 0 if ($host =~ s/:(\d+)//u)
197 32 13 if (my $known_attr = $known_attr{lc $k})
206 1 25 if ($self->driver eq 'Oracle' and (my $new_db = $self->database) =~ s/:POOLED$//u)