Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 60 148 40.5

line true false branch
49 19 2 if (not $file or $file eq ':memory:') { }
1 1 elsif (not -e $file) { }
57 0 1 unless (-d $dir)
62 1 0 if (open TOUCH, '>' . $file)
79 0 21 if $autocommit
91 1 20 if $$self{'init'} and (ref $$self{'init'} || '') eq 'CODE'
99 1 19 if ($self->created and $import || $cb)
102 0 1 unless ($self->txn(sub { if ($import) { return -1 unless $self->import_sql($import, $import_cb); } ; if ($cb) { local $_ = $self; return &$cb($self); } ; return 1; } ))
107 0 1 if ($import)
108 0 0 unless $self->import_sql($import, $import_cb)
112 1 0 if ($cb)
121 0 0 if (index($self->file, ':') != 0)
141 24 0 unless $$self{'foreign_keys'}
169 1 21 unless $$self{'created'}
172 0 21 if (defined $$self{'tid'} and $$self{'tid'} != 'threads'->tid) { }
0 21 elsif ($$self{'pid'} != $$) { }
196 0 1 unless $rv
215 5 3 if ($_[-1] and ref $_[-1] and ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH')
220 8 0 if (not $secure) { }
225 6 2 if $rv
238 0 0 if $rv
242 0 0 unless $sec_value
248 0 0 if $rv
251 0 0 unless $sec_value
264 0 856 unless my $table = $self->_table_name(\@_)
267 0 856 unless $_[0]
270 0 856 if ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' and ref $_[1]
273 825 31 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
31 0 elsif (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') { }
282 0 1248 unless ref $key or $key =~ /$DBIx::Oro::KEY_REGEX/
288 0 825 unless @keys
293 0 825 if ($prop and my $oc = $$prop{-'on_conflict'})
294 0 0 if ($oc eq 'replace') { }
0 0 elsif ($oc eq 'ignore') { }
309 823 2 if $rv
317 1 30 unless $_[1]
330 76 7 unless ref $keys[$i]
347 27 3 if (scalar @_ <= $max) { }
359 25 2 if $rv[0]
376 0 28 unless @_
389 0 28 unless $rv_part
393 0 3 unless $self->txn(sub { while (@v_array = splice(@values, 0, $max - 1)) { @v_array = grep($_, @v_array) unless @_; my $sub_sql = $sql . $union . (' UNION ' . $union) x (scalar(@v_array) - 1); my $rv_part = $self->prep_and_exec($sub_sql, [map({@default, @$_;} @v_array)]); return -1 unless $rv_part; $rv += $rv_part; } ; } )
396 3 0 if $rv
415 14 8 if $rv
426 0 6 if ($rv and $type eq 'insert' and ${$$self{'autocommit'};})
430 0 7 wantarray ? :
451 0 0 unless $_[0]
456 0 0 unless $self->prep_and_exec('DETACH ?', [$db_name])
477 0 0 if $_[0] and $_[0] =~ /^[pcnalsx]+$/i
482 0 0 if (@_)
486 0 0 if $_[0] and $_[0] =~ /^[pcnalsx]+$/i
490 0 0 if ($format) { }
500 0 0 if (/[xals]/)
535 0 0 if ($_ eq 'p' or $_ eq 'c' or $_ eq 'n') { }
0 0 elsif ($_ eq 'a' or $_ eq 'l' or $_ eq 's') { }
0 0 elsif ($_ eq 'x') { }
596 1 0 if ($_[0])
600 1 0 if ($_[0] =~ /$arguments/) { }
603 0 3 unless $_ =~ /$arguments/
615 3 2 if defined $snippet{$_}
616 5 0 if $s
626 1 0 if ($snippet[0])
659 0 0 if (not defined $_[0]) { }
0 0 elsif ($_[0] and not $$self{'foreign_keys'}) { }
0 0 elsif (not $_[0] and $$self{'foreign_keys'}) { }
684 0 0 if (not defined $_[0]) { }
694 0 0 if ($num and $num =~ /^\d+/o) { }
0 0 elsif (not $num) { }
695 0 0 if ($num > 1) { }
713 0 0 if (${$$self{'_autocounter'};})
717 0 0 unless ${$$self{'in_txn'};}
734 0 871 if (${$$self{'_autocounter'};})
738 0 0 unless ($auto)
740 0 0 unless ${$$self{'in_txn'};}