Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 32 128 25.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
666 28 0 0 defined $on_connect_call && ref $on_connect_call
681 0 0 0 $e && ref $e && ref $e eq 'ARRAY' && @$e == 2 && $$e[0] && !ref($$e[0]) && $$e[0] eq 'do_sql' && $$e[1] && !ref($$e[1]) && &any(sub { $$e[1] eq $_; } , @stmts)
686 0 0 0 $first_occ and ref $first_occ
0 0 0 $first_occ and ref $first_occ and ref $first_occ eq "ARRAY"
721 0 0 0 defined $callbacks->{'connected'} && ref $callbacks->{'connected'}
840 0 26 29 $hooks and $hooks->{$hook_name}
1021 184 0 0 $ref and $ref ne "ARRAY"
1335 0 0 0 $dbh->can("statistics_info") and %$fk_hash
1338 0 0 0 defined $_ and $_ ne $orig_table_name

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
261 28 0 $dbh->get_info($DBIx::OnlineDDL::GetInfoType{'SQL_SEARCH_PATTERN_ESCAPE'}) // "\\"
444 12 15 $copy_opts->{'target_time'} //= 1
447 12 15 $copy_opts->{'sleep'} //= "0.5"
466 12 15 $copy_opts->{'dbic_retry_opts'} //= {}
718 0 0 $dbi_attrs->{'Callbacks'} //= {}
1314 27 0 $dbh->get_info($DBIx::OnlineDDL::GetInfoType{'SQL_SEARCH_PATTERN_ESCAPE'}) // "\\"
1324 0 0 $vars->{'foreign_keys'}{'definitions'} //= {}
1334 0 0 $vars->{'indexes'}{'definitions'} //= {}
1479 55 84 $length_info_str ||= "SQL_MAXIMUM_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH"
1492 139 0 $self->dbh->get_info($DBIx::OnlineDDL::GetInfoType{$length_info_str}) || 256

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
299 0 28 0 $self->progress_bar || 'Term::ProgressBar'->new({'name', $self->progress_name, 'count', $steps, 'ETA', 'linear', 'silent', !(-t *STDERR && -t *STDIN)})
458 14 13 0 $copy_opts->{'id_name'} //= $self->dbh_runner("run", set_subname("_pk_finder", sub { $dbh = $_; my(@ids) = $dbh->primary_key($catalog, $schema, $orig_table_name); die "No primary key found for $orig_table_name" unless @ids; warn "Using the first column of a multi-column primary key for $orig_table_name" if @ids > 1; $ids[0]; } ))
463 12 15 0 $copy_opts->{'dbic_storage'} //= $rsrc->storage
464 12 15 0 $copy_opts->{'rsc'} //= $rsrc->resultset->get_column($id_name)
467 12 15 0 $copy_opts->{'dbic_retry_opts'}{'max_attempts'} //= $DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS
471 0 0 0 $copy_opts->{'dbi_connector'} //= $self->dbi_connector
472 0 0 0 $copy_opts->{'min_stmt'} //= "SELECT MIN($id_name_quote) FROM $orig_table_name_quote"
473 0 0 0 $copy_opts->{'max_stmt'} //= "SELECT MAX($id_name_quote) FROM $orig_table_name_quote"
483 12 15 0 $copy_opts->{'count_stmt'} //= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $orig_table_name_quote WHERE $id_name_quote BETWEEN ? AND ?"
484 12 15 0 $copy_opts->{'stmt'} //= $insert_select_stmt
486 12 15 0 $copy_opts->{'progress_name'} //= "Copying $orig_table_name"
584 28 0 0 $dbh->get_info($DBIx::OnlineDDL::GetInfoType{'SQL_DBMS_NAME'}) // $dbh->{'Driver'}{'Name'}
975 0 0 0 $err =~ /Reached max_attempts amount of / or $block_runner->failed_attempt_count >= $block_runner->max_attempts
1319 0 0 27 $helper->dbms_uses_global_fk_namespace or $helper->child_fks_need_adjusting
1604 0 0 0 $DBIx::OnlineDDL::a->{'KEY_SEQ'} // $DBIx::OnlineDDL::a->{'ORDINAL_POSITION'}
0 0 0 $DBIx::OnlineDDL::a->{'KEY_SEQ'} // $DBIx::OnlineDDL::a->{'ORDINAL_POSITION'}
1609 0 0 0 $row->{'PKTABLE_NAME'} or $row->{'UK_TABLE_CAT'}
1610 0 0 0 $row->{'FKTABLE_NAME'} or $row->{'FK_TABLE_NAME'}
1612 0 0 0 $row->{'FK_NAME'} // $row->{'FKCOLUMN_NAME'}
1613 0 0 0 $row->{'FKTABLE_NAME'} // $row->{'FK_TABLE_NAME'}
1617 0 0 0 $row->{'PKTABLE_NAME'} // $row->{'UK_TABLE_CAT'}
1633 0 0 0 $row->{'PKTABLE_NAME'} // $row->{'UK_TABLE_CAT'}
0 0 0 $row->{'PKCOLUMN_NAME'} // $row->{'UK_COLUMN_NAME'}
0 0 0 $row->{'FKCOLUMN_NAME'} // $row->{'FK_COLUMN_NAME'}
1638 0 0 0 $create_table_sql{$fk_table_name} //= $self->_helper->create_table_sql($fk_table_name)
1661 0 0 0 $row->{'PKCOLUMN_NAME'} // $row->{'UK_COLUMN_NAME'}
1662 0 0 0 $row->{'FKCOLUMN_NAME'} // $row->{'FK_COLUMN_NAME'}