Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 76 53.9

line true false branch
67 0 9 if exists $$self{'VERSION'} and $$self{'VERSION'} < $Parse::Yapp::Driver::COMPATIBLE
73 0 9 if ref $class
85 0 11 if ($$self{'DEBUG'}) { }
88 0 0 if $@
99 0 0 unless exists $$self{'USER'}
151 0 0 if $index < 0 and -$index <= @{$$self{'STACK'};}
161 0 0 if @_
169 0 2 if @_
198 0 49 unless exists $$checklist{$prm}
200 0 49 unless ref $value eq $$checklist{$prm}
206 0 33 unless exists $$outhash{$_}
219 0 0 if exists ${'Parse::Yapp::Driver::';}{'_DBParse'}
224 0 0 unless open DRV, "<$fname"
227 0 0 if (/^\s*sub\s+_Parse\s*{\s*$/ .. /^\s*}\s*#\s*_Parse\s*$/)
283 2758 1671 if (exists $$actions{'ACTIONS'}) { }
286 732 2026 unless (defined $$token)
292 2020 2 exists $$actions{'DEFAULT'} ? :
736 2022 exists $$actions{'ACTIONS'}{$$token} ? :
305 4427 2 if (defined $act)
308 730 3697 if ($act > 0)
314 0 730 if ($$errstatus)
329 721 9 if $$token ne ''
342 9 3688 unless $act
348 0 3697 if (unpack('A1', $lhs) eq '@')
349 0 0 unless $lhs =~ /^\@[0-9]+\-([0-9]+)$/
356 3340 357 $$dotpos ? :
359 2737 960 $#sempar == 0 ? :
361 9 0 @sempar ? :
3688 9 $code ? :
367 9 3688 if ($$check eq 'ACCEPT')
376 0 3688 if ($$check eq 'ABORT')
389 3688 0 unless ($$check eq 'ERROR')
417 2 0 unless ($$errstatus)
421 0 2 unless $$errstatus
435 0 2 if ($$errstatus == 3)
437 0 0 if ($$token eq '')
463 2 0 unless (@$stack)
498 0 9 if ref $class