Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 146 32.1

line true false branch
33 0 0 $_[0] > 10 ? :
39 0 2 if ($Apache::VERSION)
42 0 2 if ($Apache::DBI::VERSION)
45 0 2 if ($loaded_Apache_DBI)
56 0 2 unless ($DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'failoverlevel'})
60 0 2 unless ($DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'connecttimeout'})
63 0 2 unless ($DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'executetimeout'})
69 2 0 unless ($DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'failtest_function'})
79 0 6 if ($loaded_Apache_DBI)
80 0 0 if ($Apache::DBI::VERSION < 0.89)
89 2 0 unless $DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'active_db'}
92 0 2 if ('Apache'->can('push_handlers') and $Apache::ServerStarting == 1)
113 0 0 unless $DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'active_db'}
116 0 0 if ($DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'connectoninit'} and $loaded_Apache_DBI)
127 0 10 if ($DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'failoverlevel'} eq 'application')
129 0 0 if ($loaded_Apache and -f "$logdir/DBIxHA_activedb_$dbname")
134 0 0 if ($dbidx == -1)
139 0 0 if ($dbidx =~ /^\d+$/o and $DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'db_stack'}[$dbidx]) { }
142 0 0 unless ($Apache::ServerStarting == 1)
144 0 0 if ref $r
165 0 3 if ($DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'failoverlevel'} eq 'application')
167 0 0 if ($loaded_Apache)
168 0 0 unless ($Apache::ServerStarting == 1)
170 0 0 if ref $r
176 0 0 if ($Apache::ServerStarting == 1)
196 0 10 if ($DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'end_of_stack'})
200 7 3 if ($dsn eq $DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'active_db'}[0])
213 0 1 if (_isactivedb($dsn)) { }
0 1 elsif ($DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'end_of_stack'}) { }
221 0 0 if ($dsn eq $$_[0])
228 0 0 if (not $foundmatch) { }
0 0 elsif ($idxnextdb > $stackcount - 1) { }
249 0 0 unless ($loaded_Apache_DBI)
254 0 0 defined $_ ? :
255 0 0 if ($args[0] =~ /^dbi:/i)
258 0 0 if (3 == $#args and ref $args[3] eq 'HASH')
275 1 0 unless (_isactivedb($currdsn))
278 0 1 unless ($currdsn)
280 0 0 if defined $dbh and ref $dbh
287 1 1 if ($currdsn eq $$selrow[0])
288 0 1 if ($loaded_Apache_DBI)
290 0 0 if $DBIx::HA::ApacheDBIidx{$olddsn}
295 1 0 unless $DATABASE::retries{$currdsn}
300 1 0 if (defined $newdbh)
302 1 0 if (defined $dbh and ref $dbh) { }
308 0 1 if $$newdbh{'syb_flush_finish'} and $$newdbh{'Driver'}{'Name'} ne 'Gofer'
319 1 0 if (ref $DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'callback_function'})
331 0 0 unless ($currdsn)
350 0 2 unless my $conf = $DATABASE::conf{$dbname}
352 0 2 unless my $active_db = $$conf{'active_db'}
357 0 2 unless (_isactivedb($dsn))
365 2 0 if (defined $dbh) { }
392 0 3 if ($@ or $timeout)
393 0 0 if ($timeout) { }
398 0 0 if $@
401 3 0 if $dbh
421 3 0 if (DBIx::HA::_isactivedb($dsn)) { }
422 0 3 if $$dbh{'ActiveKids'}
431 0 0 unless (defined $dbh)
465 1 1 if (DBIx::HA::_isactivedb($dsn)) { }
469 0 1 if ($to or not defined $res and &{$DATABASE::conf{$dbname}{'failtest_function'};}($orig_error_code, $orig_error_string)) { }
0 1 elsif (not defined $res) { }
474 0 0 if defined $res
485 1 0 if defined $res
488 0 2 unless (defined $res)
493 0 2 if ($res == -666)
547 0 2 if ($@ or $timeout)
548 0 0 if ($timeout) { }
551 0 0 if $@
574 1 0 if (defined $sth)
578 0 1 unless (defined $dbh)
581 0 1 unless ($res)
586 1 0 if (defined $sth) { }