Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 5 158 3.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
414 0 0 0 defined $arg and not defined $x
449 0 0 0 defined $arg and not defined $x
451 0 0 0 $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} and $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} eq $arg
493 0 0 0 defined $old and defined $new
0 0 0 defined $old and defined $new and not defined $x
496 0 0 0 length $new <= $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'cols'}{$fnc}{'len'} and not $new =~ /\W+/
539 0 0 0 defined $arg and not defined $x
555 0 0 0 defined $arg and not defined $x
578 0 0 0 defined $arg and not defined $x
581 0 0 0 length $arg <= $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'cols'}{$fnc}{'len'} and not $arg =~ /\W+/
599 0 0 0 length $sql and $tmpf_mtime != (stat $tmpf)[9]
633 0 0 0 defined $arg and not defined $x
652 0 0 0 defined $arg and not defined $x
907 0 0 0 defined $cols->{$col}{'ref'} and not defined $$vdirs{$cols->{$col}{'ref'}}
985 0 0 0 defined $cols->{$col}{'type'} and $vdirs->{$dir}{'edit'} == 1
986 0 0 0 $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'char' and $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'int'
0 0 0 $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'char' and $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'int' and $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'smallint'
0 0 0 $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'char' and $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'int' and $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'smallint' and $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'inet'
0 0 0 $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'char' and $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'int' and $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'smallint' and $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'inet' and $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'cidr'
1126 0 0 0 length $df <= $vdirs->{$tab}{'cols'}{$fnc}{'len'} and not $df =~ /\W+/
1207 0 0 0 $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} and $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} ne $fnam
1255 0 0 0 $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} and $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} ne $fnam
1263 0 0 0 $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} and $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} ne $fnam
1277 0 0 0 defined $defaults[$i] and defined $flags[$i]
0 0 0 defined $defaults[$i] and defined $enums[$i]
1332 0 0 0 defined $value and $value eq $rval
1362 0 0 0 defined $value and $value & 1 << $i
1386 0 0 0 defined $value and not exists $enums->{$value}
1399 0 0 0 defined $value and $value == $i
1475 0 0 0 defined $flags and defined $value
1506 0 0 0 defined $enums and defined $value
1991 0 0 0 not defined $err and $hasuniqcols == 1
1994 0 0 0 exists $cols->{$col}{'uniq'} and defined $filevars{$col}
2038 0 0 0 $inp ne 'y' and $inp ne 'n'
2124 0 0 0 $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} and $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} ne $fnam
2177 2 0 0 exists $params{'rdbh'} and defined $params{'rdbh'}
2178 0 0 0 exists $params{'progdbver'} and defined $params{'progdbver'}
2188 0 0 2 exists $params{'dbconn'} and defined $params{'dbconn'}
2195 0 0 2 exists $params{'progdbver'} and defined $params{'progdbver'}
2383 0 0 0 defined $res and $res == 1
2486 0 0 0 defined $val->[0] and defined $val->[1]

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
182 0 0 $term->OUT || \*STDOUT

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
518 0 0 0 not defined $r or $r != 1
589 0 0 0 $r == 0 or $r == 1
903 0 0 0 defined $cols->{$col}{'type'} or defined $cols->{$col}{'ref'}
1128 0 0 0 not defined $r or $r == 0
1623 0 0 0 length $var == 0 or $var =~ /\W+/
1839 0 0 0 $val <= -2147483648 or $val >= 2147483647
1869 0 0 0 $val <= -32768 or $val >= 32767
2336 0 0 0 not defined $dir or $dir eq ''
2340 0 0 0 not defined $fnamcol or $fnamcol eq ''
2418 0 0 0 not defined $res or defined ${$$self{'rdbh'};}->{'err'}
2537 9 0 19 $unparsed != 0 or $!