Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 24 52 46.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
126 3 36 0 &blessed($item) and $self->{'keep_blessed'}
289 1 1 2 ref $value and ref $self->{$method}
0 0 1 defined $value and defined $self->{$method}
334 0 1 0 ref $self and exists $self->{$method}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
46 20 2 $opts{'-item'} || 'dbix-dr-iterator-item#new'
49 4 18 $keep_blessed //= 1
153 4 0 exists $self->{'fetch'}{$name} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
30 10 2 0 'HASH' eq ref $fetch->[0] or &blessed($fetch->[0])
38 7 3 0 'HASH' eq ref $fetch->{$k} or &blessed($fetch->{$k})
62 5 17 0 ref $class || $class
106 0 0 118 @_ <= 1 or not defined $name
112 0 0 51 $name >= $self->{'count'} or $name < -$self->{'count'}
144 0 0 6 @_ <= 1 or not defined $name
149 0 0 2 $name >= $self->{'count'} or $name < -$self->{'count'}
230 0 0 0 'HASH' eq ref $v or &blessed($v)
239 1 0 0 'HASH' eq ref $k or &blessed($k)
312 0 22 0 ref $class || $class

xor 4 conditions

line l&&r l&&!r !l&&r !l&&!r condition
289 0 0 0 0 defined $value xor defined $self->{$method}