Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 30 71 42.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
101 1018 86 2 _isa($val, 'DBIx::DBO::Column') and $$val[0] == $$$me{'Parent'}
167 2 0 19 $$col[0] == $shown and exists $$shown{'Column_Idx'}{$$col[1]}
174 2 0 2 not defined $$shown[1] and @{$$shown[0];} == 1
2 1 1 not defined $$shown[1] and @{$$shown[0];} == 1 and $col == $$shown[0][0]
194 0 1 0 _isa($fld, 'DBIx::DBO::Table') and exists $$fld{'Column_Idx'}{$col}
1 0 0 _isa($fld, 'DBIx::DBO::Query') and eval { do { $fld->column($col) } }
1 0 0 ref $fld eq 'ARRAY' and exists $$fld[2]{'AS'}
1 0 0 ref $fld eq 'ARRAY' and exists $$fld[2]{'AS'} and $col eq $$fld[2]{'AS'}
204 15 0 0 $_check_aliases == 1 and $column = $me->_check_alias($col)
208 0 0 0 $_check_aliases == 2 and $column = $me->_check_alias($col)
215 0 0 0 ref $fld eq 'ARRAY' and exists $$fld[2]{'AS'}
0 0 0 ref $fld eq 'ARRAY' and exists $$fld[2]{'AS'} and $col eq $$fld[2]{'AS'}
281 0 0 11 $sth and $sth->execute(@bind)
302 0 1 3 $$$me{'Parent'}{'Config'} and %{$$$me{'Parent'}{'Config'};}
328 4 0 0 $me->config('LimitRowUpdate') && $me->tables == 1
332 0 0 4 $rv and $rv > 0
354 1 0 0 $me->config('LimitRowDelete') && $me->tables == 1
424 0 0 1 $$parent{'Config'} and %{$$parent{'Config'};}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
194 0 0 $$$me{'Column'}{$col} ||= bless([$me, $col], 'DBIx::DBO::Column')
215 0 0 $$$me{'Column'}{$col} ||= bless([$me, $col], 'DBIx::DBO::Column')
411 18 1 $$$me{'Config'} ||= {}
412 76 6 $$$me{'Config'} ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
52 1 23 0 ref $proto || $proto
194 0 0 1 _isa($fld, 'DBIx::DBO::Table') and exists $$fld{'Column_Idx'}{$col} or _isa($fld, 'DBIx::DBO::Query') and eval { do { $fld->column($col) } }
0 0 1 _isa($fld, 'DBIx::DBO::Table') and exists $$fld{'Column_Idx'}{$col} or _isa($fld, 'DBIx::DBO::Query') and eval { do { $fld->column($col) } } or ref $fld eq 'ARRAY' and exists $$fld[2]{'AS'} and $col eq $$fld[2]{'AS'}