Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 60 80 75.0

line true false branch
19 21 1187 if (defined $args)
23 1 80 unless defined $col
99 17 81 unless ($self->$right)
114 4 94 if (not defined $row->$root)
116 1 3 if (scalar @primary_columns > 1)
163 0 67 unless (grep {$rel eq $_;} 'descendants', 'children', 'nodes', 'ancestors')
175 2 65 if ($rel eq 'ancestors') { }
231 380 195 if ($rel eq 'descendants' or $rel eq 'children') { }
40 155 elsif ($rel eq 'ancestors' or $rel eq 'parent') { }
260 0 4 unless defined $args->{$level}
261 4 0 unless defined $args->{$root}
300 2 11 if ($self->$root == $node->$root and $self->$left >= $node->$left and $self->$right <= $node->$right)
313 6 5 if (defined $args->{'left_delta'}) { }
345 1 12 if ($node_is_root) { }
347 0 1 if $node->$root == $self->$root
351 0 12 if $node->$right + 1 != $node_root->$right
355 2 10 if ($self->$root == $node->$root and $self->is_root and $self->$left + $arg_left > $node_root->$right)
398 10 1 unless ($node_is_root)
425 4 12 if ($self->is_root or $old_right + 1 == $root_node->$right)
552 0 1 if $p_lft == $p_rgt + 1
610 1 1 unless ($previous)
626 1 1 unless ($next)
641 1 1 unless ($first)
655 1 1 unless ($last)
676 1 2 if ($self->is_root)
680 1 1 if (wantarray)
699 0 11 if ($self->is_root)
703 1 10 if (wantarray)
723 0 11 if ($self->is_root)
727 1 10 if (wantarray)
748 0 4 if ($self->is_root)
770 0 4 if ($self->is_root)
792 0 4 if ($self->is_root)
813 0 4 if ($self->is_root)
894 0 0 unless ($descendant)
900 0 0 if ($descendant->$left > $self->$left and $descendant->$right < $self->$right)
913 0 0 unless ($ancestor)
919 0 0 if ($self->$left > $ancestor->$left and $self->$right < $ancestor->$right)
930 9 78 if ($self->get_column($self->tree_columns->{'level_column'}) == 0)
941 6 2 if ($self->get_column($self->tree_columns->{'right_column'}) - $self->get_column($self->tree_columns->{'left_column'}) == 1)