Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 26 84.6

line true false branch
52 13 3 unless ($self->no_transactions or $self->_in_transaction)
59 2 44 if (my $group = $definition->group) { }
66 1 16 unless defined wantarray and @dbic_objects
67 13 3 unless wantarray
84 1 3 unless ($self->is_loaded($fixture))
96 70 8 unless ($object)
98 70 0 if (my $requires = $definition->requires_pre)
100 0 35 unless my $other = $self->_get_result($parent)
117 45 78 if ($self->is_loaded($definition->name))
121 78 0 if (my $requires = $definition->requires_pre)
127 27 51 if (my $next = $definition->next)
131 78 0 if (my $deferred = $definition->requires_defer)
184 13 3 if (not $self->no_transactions and $self->_in_transaction) { }