Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 82 56.1

line true false branch
37 20 0 if defined $sep
47 20 0 if (exists $self->{'plugin'}{'sqlminus'}) { }
128 0 32 if (exists $breaks->{$n_lc})
139 28 4 if (exists $$column_format{$names_lc->[$i]})
143 27 1 if (exists $cf->{'on'} and $cf->{'on'})
147 2 25 if (exists $cf->{'noprint'} and $cf->{'noprint'})
155 25 0 if (exists $cf->{'format'} and defined $cf->{'format'})
161 3 22 if (exists $cf->{'justify'} and defined $cf->{'justify'})
162 1 2 if $cf->{'justify'} =~ /^c/
163 1 2 if $cf->{'justify'} =~ /^l/
164 1 2 if $cf->{'justify'} =~ /^r/
169 9 16 if (exists $cf->{'heading'} and defined $cf->{'heading'})
187 21 9 unless $heading
194 25 5 if ($width) { }
201 1 4 if length $names->[$i] > ($widths[$i] || 0)
208 30 0 if ($justify) { }
232 5 25 unless $format_names
236 28 2 defined $set->{'underline'} ? :
242 0 30 unless $set->{'linesize'}
259 20 0 if $set->{'heading'}
261 18 2 if $set->{'underline'}
263 2 18 if $set->{'heading'} and not $set->{'underline'}
273 0 0 if (exists $self->{'plugin'}{'sqlminus'}) { }
284 0 0 if defined $set->{'heading'}
286 0 0 if defined $set->{'heading'}
288 0 0 if defined $set->{'underline'}
290 0 0 if defined $set->{'heading'} and not defined $set->{'underline'}
307 0 320 if (not defined $_) { }
340 0 320 if (exists $$breaks{$attribs->{'name_lc'}})
344 0 0 if (defined $brk->{'last_break_point'} and $brk->{'last_break_point'} ne $row[$i])
346 0 0 if (exists $brk->{'skip'})
348 0 0 $skip_rows >= $brk->{'skip'} ? :
351 0 0 if (exists $brk->{'skip_page'})
356 0 0 if (exists $brk->{'nodup'})
357 0 0 if (defined $brk->{'last_break_point'} and $brk->{'last_break_point'} eq $row[$i])
368 20 300 unless $attribs->{'display'}
370 0 300 if (ref $attribs->{'fmtfunc'} eq 'CODE') { }
384 0 200 if ($skip_page) { }
0 200 elsif ($skip_rows) { }
398 0 200 if (defined $self->{'limit'} and $self->{'rows'} >= $self->{'limit'})
402 0 200 if (defined $self->{'pagesize'} and $self->{'rows'} % $self->{'pagesize'} == 0)