Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 53 149 35.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
113 0 0 0 defined $$attr_hash{'f_dir'} and not -d $$attr_hash{'f_dir'}
120 416 160 48 defined $$attr{'f_dir'} and not -d $$attr{'f_dir'}
0 624 0 $attr and (defined $$attr{'f_dir'} and not -d $$attr{'f_dir'})
223 192 0 384 exists $$dbh{$drv_prefix . 'meta'} and not $$dbh{'sql_engine_in_gofer'}
239 0 0 0 $attrib eq 'f_meta' and $$dbh{'sql_engine_in_gofer'}
248 3580 0 492 $attrib eq 'f_dir' and defined $value
260 4072 0 0 $attrib eq 'f_meta' and $$dbh{'sql_engine_in_gofer'}
284 0 0 0 $meta and $$meta{'f_encoding'}
318 0 0 744 exists $$sth{'ImplementorClass'} and exists $$sth{'sql_stmt'}
0 744 0 exists $$sth{'ImplementorClass'} and exists $$sth{'sql_stmt'} and $$sth{'sql_stmt'}->isa('SQL::Statement')
323 0 0 0 exists $$sth{'f_overall_defs'} and ref $$sth{'f_overall_defs'}
327 0 0 0 exists $$meta{'table_defs'} and ref $$meta{'table_defs'}
369 0 0 32 $attr && exists $$attr{'f_dir'}
373 0 0 32 -d $dir and -r $dir
0 0 32 -d $dir and -r $dir and -x $dir
384 32 0 0 $$attr{'f_dir_search'} and ref $$attr{'f_dir_search'} eq 'ARRAY'
400 32 0 40 $file ne 'File::Spec'->updir and -d $d
417 32 0 4 $$dbh{'f_dir_search'} and ref $$dbh{'f_dir_search'} eq 'ARRAY'
432 16 0 0 defined $$dbh{'f_schema'} && $$dbh{'f_schema'} ne ''
473 0 0 0 not $respect_case and $$meta{'sql_identifier_case'} == 1
0 0 0 not $respect_case and $$meta{'sql_identifier_case'} == 2
522 0 0 0 $self->can_flock and $$meta{'fh'}
523 0 0 0 defined $$flags{'f_lock'} && $$flags{'f_lock'} =~ /^[012]$/
560 0 132 288 $ext and $opt
567 92 324 4 $file_is_table and defined $$meta{'f_file'}
577 0 384 32 $dir =~ m(^(?:[.][/\\]?|\[\])$) and ref $$meta{'f_dir_search'} eq 'ARRAY'
590 0 404 16 not $respect_case and $$meta{'sql_identifier_case'} == 1
0 0 404 not $respect_case and $$meta{'sql_identifier_case'} == 2
618 0 0 0 $^O eq 'VMS' and $sfx eq '.'
628 1856 0 0 $^O eq 'VMS' and $sfx eq '.'
643 156 0 260 @f > 0 and @f <= 2
644 0 416 0 not $respect_case and $$meta{'sql_identifier_case'} == 4
648 0 132 284 $ext and $req
659 132 0 240 defined $$meta{'f_lockfile'} and $$meta{'f_lockfile'}
662 372 0 0 $dir and not $user_spec_file
672 0 0 452 defined $$meta{'f_fqfn'} and $$meta{'f_fqfn'} ne ''
715 0 0 404 $self->can_flock and $fh
716 404 0 0 defined $$flags{'f_lock'} && $$flags{'f_lock'} =~ /^[012]$/
900 0 0 0 $whence == 0 and $pos == 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
55 40 0 $attr ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
60 0 0 0 ${$class . '::ATTRIBUTION';} || "oops the author of $class forgot to define this"
16 0 0 $$attr{'Attribution'} ||= ${$class . '::ATTRIBUTION';} || "oops the author of $class forgot to define this"
63 0 40 0 $$attr{'Version'} ||= ${$class . '::VERSION';}
256 0 108 0 $value eq '' or $value =~ m[^\.\w+(?:/[rR]*)?$]
286 0 0 16 $f_encoding ||= $$dbh{'f_encoding'}
509 0 0 0 $$flags{'createMode'} or $$flags{'lockMode'}
554 40 40 420 $file eq '.' or $file eq '..'
620 0 0 0 lc $sfx eq lc $ext || !($req || $sfx)
630 240 28 320 lc $sfx eq lc $ext || !($req || $sfx)
900 0 0 0 $whence != 2 or $pos != 0