Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 62 0.0

line true false branch
33 0 0 if (exists $ENV{'DSM_DIR'} and -d $ENV{'DSM_DIR'} and exists $ENV{'DSM_CONFIG'} and -f $ENV{'DSM_CONFIG'})
38 0 0 -f 'File::Spec'->catfile($ENV{'DSM_DIR'}, 'dsm.sys') ? :
47 0 0 if (-f '\\/dsmadmc' and -d 'need_DSM_DIR' and -f 'need_DSM_SYS')
63 0 0 if ($elt =~ /\s+/)
84 0 0 unless (tsm_data_sources($dbh, $dbname))
105 0 0 if ($$dbh{'tsm_pipe'}) { }
107 0 0 unless (open $dsmadmc_h, '-|', @cmd)
123 0 0 if ($rc_dsmadmc)
138 0 0 unless (-r $dsm_sys)
144 0 0 unless (open $fh, '<', $dsm_sys)
154 0 0 if (my($server_name) = /^\s*[sS][eE]\w*\s+(\S+)/)
162 0 0 if ($data_source)
163 0 0 if (exists $data_sources{$data_source}) { }
182 0 0 if $sth->FETCH('AutoCommit')
191 0 0 if ($$sth{'tsm_pipe'}) { }
192 0 0 unless (open $dsmadmc_h, '-|', @cmd)
198 0 0 unless (open $dsmadmc_h, "$cmd |")
205 0 0 if $statement =~ /select/i or $statement =~ /^\s*[qQ][uUeErRyY]*\s+/
218 0 0 if /^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]\d\d\d\d[^I]/
221 0 0 unless ($select_flag)
225 0 0 if (/^ANS8002I\s+Highest\s+return\s+code\s+was\s+(-?\d+)./)
231 0 0 unless $select_flag
236 0 0 if (/ANS8000I/)
240 0 0 unless $begin_data
242 0 0 if /^\s*AN[SR]/
246 0 0 if (my($field, $value) = /\s*([^:]+):\s+(.*)/)
251 0 0 if $not_first_raw
254 0 0 if (exists $fields{$field})
269 0 0 if (/^\s*$/ and @fields and @values)
271 0 0 if (@values != @fields)
298 0 0 if $rc