Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 11 53 20.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
87 0 3 0 defined $CatVal and $CatVal eq '%'
3 0 0 defined $CatVal and $CatVal eq '%' and defined $SchVal
3 0 0 defined $CatVal and $CatVal eq '%' and defined $SchVal and $SchVal eq ''
0 0 0 defined $CatVal and $CatVal eq '%' and defined $SchVal and $SchVal eq '' and defined $TblVal
0 0 0 defined $CatVal and $CatVal eq '%' and defined $SchVal and $SchVal eq '' and defined $TblVal and $TblVal eq ''
0 3 0 defined $SchVal and $SchVal eq '%'
3 0 0 defined $SchVal and $SchVal eq '%' and defined $CatVal
3 0 0 defined $SchVal and $SchVal eq '%' and defined $CatVal and $CatVal eq ''
0 0 0 defined $SchVal and $SchVal eq '%' and defined $CatVal and $CatVal eq '' and defined $TblVal
0 0 0 defined $SchVal and $SchVal eq '%' and defined $CatVal and $CatVal eq '' and defined $TblVal and $TblVal eq ''
0 3 0 defined $TypVal and $TypVal eq '%'
3 0 0 defined $TypVal and $TypVal eq '%' and defined $CatVal
3 0 0 defined $TypVal and $TypVal eq '%' and defined $CatVal and $CatVal eq ''
0 0 0 defined $TypVal and $TypVal eq '%' and defined $CatVal and $CatVal eq '' and defined $SchVal
0 0 0 defined $TypVal and $TypVal eq '%' and defined $CatVal and $CatVal eq '' and defined $SchVal and $SchVal eq ''
0 0 0 defined $TypVal and $TypVal eq '%' and defined $CatVal and $CatVal eq '' and defined $SchVal and $SchVal eq '' and defined $TblVal
0 0 0 defined $TypVal and $TypVal eq '%' and defined $CatVal and $CatVal eq '' and defined $SchVal and $SchVal eq '' and defined $TblVal and $TblVal eq ''

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
191 3 2 $2 || ''