Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 24 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
150 0 0 0 defined ${$$_[0];} and ${$$_[0];} ne ''
212 0 0 0 defined ${$$_[0];} and ${$$_[0];} ne ''
324 0 0 0 defined $$dbh{'mvs_ftpsql_connection'} && defined $$dbh{'mvs_ftpsql_connection'}->connected

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
73 0 0 delete $$attr{'mvs_ftpsql_port'} || 21
74 0 0 delete $$attr{'mvs_ftpsql_timeout'} || 120
75 0 0 delete $$attr{'mvs_ftpsql_remote_directory'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
157 0 0 0 $dbh->prepare(" select\n '' as TABLE_CAT \n ,TBCREATOR as TABLE_SCHEM \n ,TBNAME as TABLE_NAME \n ,NAME as COLUMN_NAME \n ,'' as DATA_TYPE \n ,COLTYPE as TYPE_NAME \n ,LENGTH as COLUMN_SIZE \n ,'' as BUFFER_LENGTH \n ,LENGTH - SCALE as DECIMAL_DIGITS \n ,'' as NUM_PREC_RADIX \n ,case NULLS when 'N' then \n '0' else '1' end as NULLABLE \n ,REMARKS as REMARKS \n ,DEFAULTVALUE as COLUMN_DEF \n ,'' as SQL_DATA_TYPE \n ,'' as SQL_DATETIME_SUB \n ,'' as CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH \n ,COLNO as ORDINAL_POSITION \n ,case NULLS when 'N' then \n 'NO' else 'YES' end as IS_NULLABLE \n from sysibm.syscolumns \n $where\n order by TBCREATOR,TBNAME,NAME,COLNO\n with ur\n") || Carp::croak("Prepare operation failed:$!")
223 0 0 0 $dbh->prepare("SELECT \n '' AS TABLE_CAT \n ,NAME as TABLE_NAME\n ,CREATOR as TABLE_SCHEM \n ,case when type = 'A' then 'ALIAS'\n when type = 'G' then 'GLOBAL TEMPORARY'\n when type = 'T' and name like 'SYS' then 'SYSTEM TABLE'\n when type = 'T' and name not like 'SYS' then 'TABLE'\n when type = 'V' then 'VIEW'\n when type = 'X' then 'AUXILIARY TABLE'\n when type = 'M' then 'MATERIALIZED QUERY TABLE'\n else 'UNKNOWN' END AS TABLE_TYPE\n ,REMARKS\nFROM SYSIBM.SYSTABLES \n$where\nWITH UR\n") || Carp::croak("Prepare operation failed:$!")
546 0 0 0 $ftp_conn->message =~ /($remote_sql_filename_prefix\d{4}) \(unique name\)/ or Carp::croak('Cannot determine the remote sql filename.')