Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 82 0.0

line true false branch
16 0 0 @_ == 1 ? :
18 0 0 unless $opt{'name'}
19 0 0 unless $opt{'client'}
39 0 0 if $$res{'success'}
46 0 0 if $$res{'success'} and $$res{'json'}{'ok'}
47 0 0 if $$res{'status'} == 409
54 0 0 if $$res{'success'} and $$res{'json'}{'ok'}
55 0 0 if $$res{'status'} == 404
67 0 0 if (defined $args{'source'} and defined $args{'target'}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $args{'source'}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $args{'target'}) { }
85 0 0 if ($m > 10)
91 0 0 defined $args{$_} && $args{$_} ? :
95 0 0 if $$res{'status'} >= 300
112 0 0 %args ? :
114 0 0 unless $$res{'success'}
116 0 0 $$_{'value'}{'rev'} ? :
136 0 0 if ($rev) { }
137 0 0 if $$_{'id'} eq $id
0 0 grep({$$_{'rev'} eq $rev if $$_{'id'} eq $id;} @{$self->listDocIdRevs;}) ? :
140 0 0 grep({$$_{'id'} eq $id;} @{$self->listDocIdRevs;}) ? :
168 0 0 unless $id =~ m[^_design/]
169 0 0 if ($rev) { }
170 0 0 if $$_{'id'} eq $id
0 0 grep({$$_{'rev'} eq $rev if $$_{'id'} eq $id;} @{$self->listDesignDocIdRevs;}) ? :
173 0 0 grep({$$_{'id'} eq $id;} @{$self->listDesignDocIdRevs;}) ? :
181 0 0 if $$res{'success'}
190 0 0 unless $$res{'success'}
195 0 0 ref $$res{'json'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
198 0 0 unless $$doc{'id'}
202 0 0 if $$res{'success'}
210 0 0 unless $$res{'success'}
215 0 0 ref $$res{'json'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
224 0 0 if $$res{'success'}
241 0 0 if ($k eq 'key' or $k eq 'startkey' or $k eq 'endkey') { }
0 0 elsif ($k eq 'descending') { }
0 0 elsif ($k eq 'update') { }
242 0 0 if (ref $args{$k} eq 'ARRAY' or ref $args{$k} eq 'HASH') { }
246 0 0 unless ($args{$k} =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)*$/s)
252 0 0 if ($args{$k}) { }
260 0 0 if ($args{$k}) { }