Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 14 33 42.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
221 1 42 0 not $ENV{'CONVOS_INVITE_CODE'} and $$config{'invite_code'}
306 1 0 0 $backend->pid and $backend->pid_running
397 6 1 1 $ENV{'CONVOS_REDIS_INDEX'} and not $url->path->[0]
417 0 0 0 $secrets and @$secrets
431 13 0 1 $pid_file and -r $pid_file

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
288 1 44 $ENV{'MOJO_LISTEN'} || 'http://*:8080'
0 45 $$config{'hypnotoad'}{'listen'} ||= [split(/,/, $ENV{'MOJO_LISTEN'} || 'http://*:8080', 0)]
293 2 43 $$config{'name'} ||= 'Nordaaker'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
203 0 0 0 $$log{'path'} || $ENV{'CONVOS_FRONTEND_LOGFILE'}
0 0 0 $$log{'file'} ||= $$log{'path'} || $ENV{'CONVOS_FRONTEND_LOGFILE'}
274 0 0 4 $c->req->is_xhr || $c->param('_pjax')
415 0 0 0 $secrets ||= $self->config->{'secrets'}