Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 17 24 70.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
76 5 2 1 @unique_upper_octet == 2 and not grep({$_ eq "\000";} @unique_upper_octet)
94 18 5 0 $u2 eq "\000" and $n1 eq "\231"
2 1 20 $u2 eq $u1 and $n1 ne "\377"
2 0 1 $u2 eq $u1 and $n1 eq "\377"
126 1 1 0 @unique_upper_octet == 2 and grep {$_ eq "\000";} @unique_upper_octet
148 17 3 0 $u1 eq "\000" and $n1 eq "\231"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
76 1 0 8 @unique_upper_octet > 2 or @unique_upper_octet == 2 and not grep({$_ eq "\000";} @unique_upper_octet)
126 0 0 2 @unique_upper_octet == 1 or @unique_upper_octet == 2 and grep {$_ eq "\000";} @unique_upper_octet