Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 91 0.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
804 0 0 exists $$info{'Subject'} and scalar @{$$info{'Subject'};}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
234 0 0 0 $segment eq 'header' and $$row{'ID'} eq 'A'
240 0 0 0 $segment eq 'header' and $$row{'ID'} ne 'A'
255 0 0 0 $segment eq 'body' and exists $$row{'Concept'}
286 0 0 0 exists $$row{'LangSet'} and $$row{'LangSet'} ne $$self{'langSet'}
298 0 0 0 exists $$row{'Term'} and $$row{'Term'} ne $$self{'term'}
364 0 0 0 $segment eq 'body' and not exists $$row{'Concept'}
375 0 0 0 $segment eq 'back' and exists $$row{'Party'}
378 0 0 0 defined $$self{'party'} and $$row{'Party'} ne $$self{'party'}
411 0 0 0 $segment eq 'back' and not exists $$row{'Party'}
484 0 0 0 $segment eq 'header' and not $aborted
607 0 0 0 $row{'ID'} and $row{'DatCat'}
0 0 0 $row{'ID'} and $row{'DatCat'} and $row{'Value'}
614 0 0 0 $3 and not $2
621 0 0 0 $2 and $3 ne ''
713 0 0 0 $row{$keyword}{'FieldLang'} and not $Convert::MRC::allowed{$keyword}{'FieldLang'}
735 0 0 0 $2 <= $NUM_MONTHS and $3 <= $NUM_MONTHS
755 0 0 0 $row{'DatCat'} =~ /^(?:crossReference|externalCrossReference|xGraphic)$/ and not $row{'Link'}
778 0 0 0 $destKey eq 'Language' and defined $$destRef{'Language'}
790 0 0 0 defined $$info{'Language'} and defined $$info{'Source'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
45 0 0 $VERSION || '??'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
167 0 0 0 -e "$file_name$suffix.tbx" or -e "$file_name$suffix.log"
550 0 0 0 ${$$self{'unsortedTerm'};}[0]{'ID'} || 'C' . $$self{'concept'} . $$self{'langSet'} . $$self{'term'}
556 0 0 0 $posContext or $$self{'langSetDefined'}
725 0 0 0 $keyword eq 'Source' or $keyword eq 'Note'
735 0 0 0 $1 eq '0000' or $2 eq '00'
0 0 0 $1 eq '0000' or $2 eq '00' or $3 eq '00'
850 0 0 0 $_[0]{'ID'} || 'C' . $$self{'concept'} . $$self{'langSet'} . $$self{'term'}
896 0 0 0 $pos || $context
917 0 0 0 $datCat eq 'externalCrossReference' or $datCat eq 'xGraphic'
946 0 0 0 $$item{'Responsibility'} or $$item{'Link'}