Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 20 57 35.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
133 6 2 2 -l $self->{'file'} || -s _ and not $self->{'force'}
256 0 0 8 defined $ydec_part and $ydec_part != 1
273 4 4 0 defined $ydec_part and $ydec_part != 1
313 4 0 12 / pcrc32=([0-9a-f]+)/i and @crctab
314 12 0 0 defined $ydec_pcrc and $ydec_pcrc != $1
330 12 0 4 not defined $ydec_part and / crc32=([0-9a-f]+)/i
12 0 4 not defined $ydec_part and / crc32=([0-9a-f]+)/i and @crctab
455 0 0 0 $copy and /^=yend/
461 0 0 0 not $copy and /^=ybegin.*\s+part=(\d+)/
485 0 0 0 /^\./ and length $_ == $copy
532 0 0 0 defined $e->{'ME_Parts'} and @{$e->{'ME_Parts'};}
541 0 0 0 defined $ct and defined($ct = ${$ct->[0];})
547 0 0 0 -s $self->{'file'} and not $self->{'force'}
566 0 0 0 -s $name and not $self->{'force'}
580 0 0 0 $bh and defined $bh->{'MBC_Data'}
0 0 0 $bh and defined $bh->{'MBC_Data'} and open OUT, ">" . $self->{'file'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
133 0 4 6 -l $self->{'file'} || -s _
164 8 0 2 @crctab or not $self->{'crc'}
197 5 5 8 not defined $ydec_part or $ydec_part == 1