Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 88 174 50.5

line true false branch
19 0 20 if ref $pkg
35 56 104 if (defined $atts{$_})
45 0 20 if $err
49 12 28 unless $_
54 8 12 if ($self->{'md5'})
70 0 20 if $ret eq "M"
73 10 10 if $ret =~ /^Y/
91 528 380 if ($doing)
92 8 520 if (/^end/)
94 4 4 if $self->{'md5'}
101 136 384 if /[a-z]/
102 8 376 unless int(((ord($_) - 32 & 63) + 2) / 3) == int length($_) / 4
106 0 376 unless print OUT $t
108 188 188 if $self->{'md5'}
113 0 380 if (m[^content-type:.*(image/|multipart)]i)
117 10 370 if (/^=ybegin\s+.*\s+name=(.+)/i)
122 10 360 if (/^begin\s+\d+\s+(.+)$/)
129 4 6 if $self->{'verbose'}
133 2 8 if (-l $self->{'file'} || -s _ and not $self->{'force'})
140 0 8 unless open OUT, ">" . $self->{'file'}
164 2 8 unless @crctab or not $self->{'crc'}
177 342 152 unless ($ydec_name)
179 324 18 unless /^=ybegin/
180 13 5 if (/ part=(\d+)/)
184 18 0 if (/ size=(\d+)/) { }
190 18 0 if (/ line=(\d+)/)
193 18 0 if (/ name=(.*)$/) { }
197 10 8 if (not defined $ydec_part or $ydec_part == 1)
199 4 6 if $self->{'verbose'}
200 4 6 if (-s $self->{'file'})
201 2 2 if ($self->{'force'}) { }
218 12 4 if ($ydec_part) { }
222 12 0 if (/^=ypart/) { }
223 12 0 if (/ begin=(\d+)/) { }
234 12 0 if (/ end=(\d+)/) { }
255 8 8 if (-e $self->{'file'}) { }
256 8 0 if (defined $ydec_part and $ydec_part != 1) { }
0 0 elsif (not open(OUT, '>' . $self->{'file'})) { }
262 0 8 unless (open OUT, ">>" . $self->{'file'})
273 0 8 if (defined $ydec_part and $ydec_part != 1)
276 0 8 unless (open OUT, ">" . $self->{'file'})
290 16 136 if (/^=yend/)
295 12 4 if (/ part=(\d+)/)
296 0 12 if ($ydec_part != $1)
300 16 0 if (/ size=(\d+)/)
303 12 4 if (defined $ydec_part) { }
309 0 16 if ($1 != $size)
313 12 4 if (/ pcrc32=([0-9a-f]+)/i and @crctab)
314 0 12 if (defined $ydec_pcrc and $ydec_pcrc != $1)
319 12 0 if ($pcrc == $ydec_pcrc) { }
321 6 6 if $self->{'verbose'}
330 4 0 if (not defined $ydec_part and / crc32=([0-9a-f]+)/i and @crctab)
333 4 0 if ($pcrc == $ydec_pcrc) { }
335 2 2 if $self->{'verbose'}
360 136 0 if (@crctab)
367 68 68 if $self->{'md5'}
371 4 6 if $self->{'md5'}
435 0 0 if ($name)
438 0 0 if $self->{'verbose'}
439 0 0 if (-s $self->{'file'})
440 0 0 if ($self->{'force'}) { }
455 0 0 if ($copy and /^=yend/)
461 0 0 if (not $copy and /^=ybegin.*\s+part=(\d+)/)
464 0 0 if /\s+line=(\d+)/
465 0 0 if /\s+size=(\d+)/
466 0 0 if /\s+name=(.+)/
468 0 0 if (-s $self->{'file'})
469 0 0 if ($self->{'force'}) { }
478 0 0 unless open TMP, ">$file"
482 0 0 if ($copy > 1)
485 0 0 if (/^\./ and length $_ == $copy)
489 0 0 if $copy
493 0 0 $self->{'destdir'} ? :
497 0 0 if (-s $self->{'file'} == $self->{'size'})
499 0 0 if ($self->{'md5'})
501 0 0 unless open F, $self->{'file'}
532 0 0 unless (defined $e->{'ME_Parts'} and @{$e->{'ME_Parts'};})
541 0 0 unless defined $ct and defined($ct = ${$ct->[0];})
542 0 0 if ($ct =~ /((file)?name)="([^"]+)"/i)
546 0 0 if $self->{'verbose'}
547 0 0 if (-s $self->{'file'} and not $self->{'force'})
562 0 0 unless $name
563 0 0 if $name eq $self->{'destdir'} . "body"
566 0 0 if (-s $name and not $self->{'force'})
580 0 0 if ($bh and defined $bh->{'MBC_Data'} and open OUT, '>' . $self->{'file'}) { }
585 0 0 if $self->{'md5'}
589 0 0 if $self->{'md5'}