Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 1 464 0.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
373 0 0 0 not $self->{'LOGINSTAGE'} and $self->{'TYPE'} ne 'SERIAL'
0 0 0 not $self->{'LOGINSTAGE'} and $self->{'TYPE'} ne 'SERIAL' and useIPv6()
0 0 0 not $self->{'LOGINSTAGE'} and $self->{'TYPE'} ne 'SERIAL' and useIPv6() and defined $args{'blocking'}
0 0 0 not $self->{'LOGINSTAGE'} and $self->{'TYPE'} ne 'SERIAL' and useIPv6() and defined $args{'blocking'} and not $args{'blocking'}
387 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('connect_poll')
395 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
456 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('login_poll')
464 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
520 0 0 0 $args{'reset_prompt'} && defined $self->{$Package}{'PROMPTTYPE'}
551 0 0 0 lc $_[0] ne 'command' and lc $_[0] ne 'poll_syntax'
562 0 0 0 $args[$i] eq 'feed_list' and ref $args[$i + 1] eq 'ARRAY'
614 0 0 0 $reset_prompt && defined $self->{$Package}{'PROMPTTYPE'}
635 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('cmd_poll')
643 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
702 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('attribute_poll')
710 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
777 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('change_baudrate_poll')
785 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
837 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('enable_poll')
844 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
893 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('device_more_paging_poll')
900 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
945 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('device_peer_cpu_poll')
952 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
1136 0 0 0 @_ and not %args
1235 0 0 0 @_ and not %args
1279 0 0 0 $self->{'LOGINSTAGE'} eq 'username' and $login->{'username'}
0 0 0 $self->{'LOGINSTAGE'} eq 'password' and $login->{'password'}
0 0 0 $self->console and $login->{'wake_console'}
1524 0 0 0 defined $cliType and $cliType eq 'nncli'
1534 0 0 0 $login->{'detectionFromPrompt'} and not $self->{'LASTPROMPT'} =~ /^@/
1546 0 0 0 $login->{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'generic'} and $self->{'errmode'} eq 'croak' || $self->{'errmode'} eq 'die'
1579 0 0 0 @_ and not %args
1583 0 0 0 defined $args{'feed_list'} and !ref($args{'feed_list'}) eq 'ARRAY'
1610 0 0 0 $args{'reset_prompt'} && defined $self->{$Package}{'PROMPTTYPE'}
1627 0 0 0 $command =~ /\?\s*$/ and $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'}
1643 0 0 0 defined $ok and $ok == 0
1745 0 0 0 length $cmd->{'lastLine'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'local_buffer'} =~ s/\n\n$/\n/
1763 0 0 0 $newLineLastLine and not length $cmd->{'lastLine'}
1769 0 0 0 $cmd->{'more_prompt_delay'} and not $cmd->{'morePromptDelayed'}
0 0 0 $cmd->{'more_prompt_delay'} and not $cmd->{'morePromptDelayed'} and $cmd->{'lastLine'} =~ /(?:$cmd->{'more_prompt_delay'})$/
1776 0 0 0 $cmd->{'more_prompt'} and $cmd->{'lastLine'} =~ s/(?:$cmd->{'more_prompt'})$//
1797 0 0 0 $cmd->{'yn_prompt'} and $cmd->{'lastLine'} =~ /$cmd->{'yn_prompt'}/
1807 0 0 0 $cmd->{'cmd_prompt'} and $cmd->{'lastLine'} =~ /$cmd->{'cmd_prompt'}/
1836 0 0 0 @_ and not %args
2057 0 0 0 $$outref =~ /\s1\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/ and $$outref =~ /\s2\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/
2075 0 0 0 not $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIBFLAG'}{'model'} and $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' || $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports'
0 0 0 not $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIBFLAG'}{'is_voss'} and $attrib->{'attribute'} =~ /^(?:is_)?oob_/
2110 0 0 0 $$outref =~ /\s1\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/ and $$outref =~ /\s2\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/
2130 0 0 0 $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'} and $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'model'} =~ /(?:Passport|ERS)-8[36]\d\d/
2190 0 0 0 defined $self->socket && (defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_ip'} && $self->socket->peerhost eq $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_ip'} || defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_virt_ip'} && $self->socket->peerhost eq $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_virt_ip'})
2204 0 0 0 $$outref =~ /\s1\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/ and $$outref =~ /\s2\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/
2245 0 0 0 defined $self->socket && (defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_ip'} && $self->socket->peerhost eq $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_ip'} || defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_virt_ip'} && $self->socket->peerhost eq $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_virt_ip'})
2364 0 0 0 defined $self->socket && (defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_ip'} && $self->socket->peerhost eq $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_ip'})
2605 0 0 0 @_ and not %args
2676 0 0 0 $changeBaud->{'maxMode'} and not defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'max_baud'}
2727 0 0 0 $familyType eq $Prm{'pers'} and $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'}
2771 0 0 0 length $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} =~ /$self->{$Package}{'prompt_qr'}/
2805 0 0 0 $familyType eq $Prm{'pers'} and $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'}
2816 0 0 0 $familyType eq $Prm{'pers'} and $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'}
2842 0 0 0 @_ and not %args
2955 0 0 0 @_ and not %args
2990 0 0 0 defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'model'} and $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'model'} =~ /(?:Passport|ERS)-83\d\d/
3001 0 0 0 not $$resref and defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'model'}
3058 0 0 0 @_ and not %args
3087 0 0 0 $devPeerCpu->{'username'} and $devPeerCpu->{'password'}
3445 0 0 0 defined $1 and !defined($currentSlot) || $1 != $currentSlot
3599 0 0 0 defined $self->baudrate and defined(my $origBaud = $self->{$Package}{'ORIGBAUDRATE'})

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1619 0 0 $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'family_type'} || ''
1856 0 0 $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'family_type'} || ''
2631 0 0 $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'family_type'} || ''
2863 0 0 $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'family_type'} || ''
2911 0 0 $self->password || ''
2974 0 0 $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'family_type'} || ''
3078 0 0 $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'family_type'} || ''
3407 0 0 shift() || \''
3408 0 0 shift() || ''
3597 0 0 $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'family_type'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
254 0 1 0 ref $invocant || $invocant
521 0 0 0 !$args{'poll_syntax'} || wantarray
580 0 0 0 $blocking || wantarray
615 0 0 0 !$pollSyntax || wantarray
682 0 0 0 !$args{'poll_syntax'} || wantarray
757 0 0 0 !$args{'poll_syntax'} || wantarray
966 0 0 0 ref $fh or length $fh
970 0 0 0 ref $fh or defined fileno $fh
1201 0 0 0 $self->connection_type eq 'SERIAL' || $self->connection_type eq 'TELNET' && $self->port != 23 || $self->connection_type eq 'SSH' && $self->port != 22
1318 0 0 0 $key eq 'banner' or $key eq 'menu'
0 0 0 $key eq 'banner' or $key eq 'menu' or $key eq 'submenu'
0 0 0 $key eq 'ersbanner' or $key eq 'passportbanner'
0 0 0 $key eq 'ersbanner' or $key eq 'passportbanner' or $key eq 'pp1600banner'
1387 0 0 0 $pattern eq 'banner' or $pattern eq 'bell'
1524 0 0 0 $login->{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'bstk'} or defined $cliType and $cliType eq 'nncli'
1534 0 0 0 $login->{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'generic'} or $login->{'detectionFromPrompt'} and not $self->{'LASTPROMPT'} =~ /^@/
1546 0 0 0 $self->{'errmode'} eq 'croak' || $self->{'errmode'} eq 'die'
1552 0 0 0 $login->{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'pers'} or $login->{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'xlr'}
1645 0 0 0 $cmd->{'alreadyCmdTimeout'} or not length $familyType
0 0 0 $cmd->{'alreadyCmdTimeout'} or not length $familyType or $familyType eq $Prm{'generic'}
1784 0 0 0 $cmd->{'more_pages'} == 0 or $cmd->{'more_pages'}-- > 1
1864 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'family_type' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_nncli'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'family_type' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_nncli' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_acli'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'family_type' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_nncli' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_acli' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_master_cpu'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'family_type' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_nncli' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_acli' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_master_cpu' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'cpu_slot'
2023 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_dual_cpu' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_mac'
2057 0 0 0 $$outref =~ /CP.+ dormant / or $$outref =~ /\s1\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/ and $$outref =~ /\s2\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/
2075 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_apls'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_apls' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_voss'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_apls' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_voss' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'apls_box_type'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_apls' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_voss' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'apls_box_type' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'brand_name'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' || $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_apls' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_voss' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'apls_box_type' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'brand_name' or not $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIBFLAG'}{'model'} and $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' || $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_apls' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_voss' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'apls_box_type' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'brand_name' or not $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIBFLAG'}{'model'} and $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' || $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports' or not $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIBFLAG'}{'is_voss'} and $attrib->{'attribute'} =~ /^(?:is_)?oob_/
2110 0 0 0 $$outref =~ /CP.+ dormant / or $$outref =~ /\s1\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/ and $$outref =~ /\s2\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/
2120 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_apls'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_apls' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_voss'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_apls' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_voss' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'apls_box_type'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_apls' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_voss' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'apls_box_type' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'brand_name'
2129 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports'
2204 0 0 0 $$outref =~ /CP.+ dormant / or $$outref =~ /\s1\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/ and $$outref =~ /\s2\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/
2279 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'switch_mode'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'switch_mode' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'unit_number'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'switch_mode' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'unit_number' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_unit'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'switch_mode' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'unit_number' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_unit' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'stack_size'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'switch_mode' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'unit_number' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_unit' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'stack_size' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'switch_mode' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'unit_number' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_unit' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'stack_size' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'switch_mode' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'unit_number' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_unit' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'stack_size' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_mac'
2311 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports'
2349 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'mgmt_ip' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'oob_ip'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'mgmt_ip' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'oob_ip' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_oob_connected'
2391 0 0 0 not defined $baudRate or $1 > $baudRate
2410 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version'
2422 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports'
2468 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_mac'
2481 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version'
2493 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports'
2506 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version'
2519 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_dual_cpu' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname'
2537 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports'
2551 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_mac'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_mac' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version'
0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_mac' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version'
2576 0 0 0 $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports'
2693 0 0 0 $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 9600 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 19200
0 0 0 $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 9600 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 19200 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 38400
2698 0 0 0 $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 9600 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 19200
0 0 0 $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 9600 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 19200 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 38400
0 0 0 $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 9600 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 19200 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 38400 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 57600
0 0 0 $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 9600 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 19200 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 38400 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 57600 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 115200
2977 0 0 0 $familyType eq $Prm{'pers'} or $familyType eq $Prm{'xlr'}
3087 0 0 0 $devPeerCpu->{'username'} and $devPeerCpu->{'password'} or $devPeerCpu->{'prompt_credentials'}
3445 0 0 0 !defined($currentSlot) || $1 != $currentSlot
3503 0 0 0 $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_apls'} or $model =~ /^VSP/
3546 0 0 0 $attrib eq 'is_nncli' or $attrib eq 'is_acli'