Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 1632 0.7

line true false branch
252 0 1 if (@_ == 1) { }
261 0 1 unless my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%cliArgs)
290 0 2 if ($arg eq 'prompt') { }
0 2 elsif ($arg eq 'return_result') { }
0 2 elsif ($arg eq 'more_prompt') { }
0 2 elsif ($arg eq 'more_paging') { }
0 2 elsif ($arg eq 'cmd_confirm_prompt') { }
0 2 elsif ($arg eq 'cmd_initiated_prompt') { }
0 2 elsif ($arg eq 'cmd_feed_timeout') { }
0 2 elsif ($arg eq 'console') { }
0 2 elsif ($arg eq 'wake_console') { }
0 2 elsif ($arg eq 'debug_file') { }
314 0 0 if (@_ == 1) { }
316 0 0 if ($args{'host'} =~ /^(.+?)\s+(\d+)$/)
339 0 0 defined $args{'blocking'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'connection_timeout'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'errmode'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'return_reference'} ? :
364 0 0 defined $args{'prompt_credentials'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'timeout'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'read_attempts'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'data_with_error'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'wake_console'} ? :
0 0 $self->{'LOGINSTAGE'} ? :
366 0 0 if (not $self->{'LOGINSTAGE'} and $self->{'TYPE'} ne 'SERIAL' and useIPv6() and defined $args{'blocking'} and not $args{'blocking'})
370 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
378 0 0 if @_
380 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('connect_poll'))
385 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
388 0 0 unless defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
397 0 0 if $self->connection_type eq 'SERIAL'
420 0 0 defined $args{'blocking'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'timeout'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'errmode'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'return_reference'} ? :
430 0 0 defined $args{'prompt_credentials'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'read_attempts'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'data_with_error'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'wake_console'} ? :
439 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
447 0 0 if @_
449 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('login_poll'))
454 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
457 0 0 unless defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
468 0 0 if (@_ == 1) { }
476 0 0 unless defined $args{'command'}
489 0 0 defined $args{'blocking'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'timeout'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'errmode'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'return_result'} ? :
0 0 (defined $args{'return_result'} ? $args{'return_result'} : $self->{$Package}{'return_result'}) ? :
0 0 defined $args{'return_reference'} ? :
513 0 0 defined $args{'prompt'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'more_prompt'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'more_prompt'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'more_pages'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'cmd_confirm_prompt'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'progress_dots'} ? :
516 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
520 0 0 if ($args{'poll_syntax'}) { }
521 0 0 wantarray ? :
524 0 0 wantarray ? :
544 0 0 if (lc $_[0] ne 'command' and lc $_[0] ne 'poll_syntax') { }
553 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'command'
554 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'feed'
555 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'feed_list' and ref $args[$i + 1] eq 'ARRAY'
556 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'prompt'
557 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'more_pages'
558 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'timeout'
559 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'blocking'
560 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'return_reference'
561 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'return_result'
562 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'reset_prompt'
563 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'more_prompt'
564 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'progress_dots'
565 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'cmd_initiated_prompt'
566 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'errmode'
567 0 0 if $args[$i] eq 'poll_syntax'
570 0 0 unless defined $cmd
573 0 0 $returnRes ? :
610 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
614 0 0 if ($pollSyntax) { }
615 0 0 wantarray ? :
618 0 0 wantarray ? :
626 0 0 if @_
628 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('cmd_poll'))
633 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
636 0 0 unless defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
647 0 0 if (@_ == 1) { }
661 0 0 defined $args{'blocking'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'timeout'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'errmode'} ? :
677 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
681 0 0 if ($args{'poll_syntax'}) { }
682 0 0 wantarray ? :
685 0 0 wantarray ? :
693 0 0 if @_
695 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('attribute_poll'))
700 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
703 0 0 unless defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
714 0 0 if (@_ == 1) { }
729 0 0 defined $args{'blocking'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'timeout'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'errmode'} ? :
748 0 0 $args{'baudrate'} eq 'max' ? :
752 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
756 0 0 if ($args{'poll_syntax'}) { }
757 0 0 wantarray ? :
760 0 0 wantarray ? :
768 0 0 if @_
770 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('change_baudrate_poll'))
775 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
778 0 0 unless defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
789 0 0 if (@_ == 1) { }
803 0 0 defined $args{'blocking'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'timeout'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'errmode'} ? :
814 0 0 defined $args{'password'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'prompt_credentials'} ? :
820 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
828 0 0 if @_
830 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('enable_poll'))
834 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
837 0 0 unless defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
848 0 0 if (@_ == 1) { }
862 0 0 defined $args{'blocking'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'timeout'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'errmode'} ? :
876 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
884 0 0 if @_
886 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('device_more_paging_poll'))
890 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
893 0 0 unless defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
913 0 0 defined $args{'blocking'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'timeout'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'errmode'} ? :
925 0 0 defined $args{'username'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'password'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'prompt_credentials'} ? :
928 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
936 0 0 if @_
938 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI::AvayaData'->can('device_peer_cpu_poll'))
942 0 0 if defined $self->{'POLL'}{'errmode'}
945 0 0 unless defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
956 0 0 unless (defined $fh)
959 0 0 unless (ref $fh or length $fh)
963 0 0 unless (ref $fh or defined fileno $fh)
966 0 0 unless open $fh, '>', "$logfile"
987 0 0 if (defined $newSetting)
999 0 0 if (defined $newSetting)
1003 0 0 $newSetting ? :
1004 0 0 $delayPrompt ? :
1013 0 0 if defined $newSetting
1021 0 0 if defined $newSetting
1029 0 0 if defined $newSetting
1037 0 0 if (defined $newSetting)
1048 0 0 if (defined $newSetting)
1059 0 0 if defined $newSetting
1067 0 0 if defined $newSetting
1075 0 0 if defined $newSetting
1083 0 0 if defined $newSetting
1091 0 0 if defined $newSetting
1117 0 0 unless ($self->{'POLLING'})
1122 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'}{$pollsub})
1128 0 0 if (@_ and not %args)
1162 0 0 defined $args{'username'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'password'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'passphrase'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'prompt_credentials'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'login_timeout'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'read_attempts'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'data_with_error'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'wake_console'} ? :
0 0 $self->{'LOGINSTAGE'} ? :
1167 0 0 if defined $connect->{'errmode'}
1169 0 0 if ($connect->{'stage'} < 1)
1189 0 0 unless $ok
1191 0 0 unless defined $self->console
1207 0 0 if $ok
1217 0 0 unless ($self->{'POLLING'})
1222 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'}{$pollsub})
1225 0 0 if (@_ and not %args)
1248 0 0 defined $args{'username'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'password'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'read_attempts'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'data_with_error'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'wake_console'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'prompt_credentials'} ? :
1253 0 0 if defined $login->{'errmode'}
1254 0 0 if $self->eof
1259 0 0 if ($login->{'stage'} < 1)
1261 0 0 if ($self->{'LOGINSTAGE'}) { }
1269 0 0 if ($self->{'LOGINSTAGE'} eq 'username' and $login->{'username'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'LOGINSTAGE'} eq 'password' and $login->{'password'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->console and $login->{'wake_console'}) { }
1270 0 0 unless $self->print('line', $login->{'username'}, 'errmode', 'return')
1276 0 0 unless $self->print('line', $login->{'password'}, 'errmode', 'return')
1283 0 0 unless $self->put('string', $login->{'wake_console'}, 'errmode', 'return')
1287 0 0 if ($login->{'stage'} < 2)
1293 0 0 unless $ok
1297 0 0 $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} =~ /\n/ ? :
1304 0 0 if (($patdepth = rindex($self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'}, $LoginPatterns{$key})) >= 0)
1306 0 0 unless ($login->{'family_type'})
1308 0 0 if ($key eq 'banner' or $key eq 'menu' or $key eq 'submenu') { }
0 0 elsif ($key eq 'srbanner') { }
0 0 elsif ($key eq 'xlrbanner') { }
0 0 elsif ($key eq 'ersbanner' or $key eq 'passportbanner' or $key eq 'pp1600banner') { }
0 0 elsif ($key eq 'vspbanner') { }
0 0 elsif ($key eq 'wlan9100banner') { }
1313 0 0 if ($key eq 'banner')
1314 0 0 if $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} =~ /\*\*\* ((?:[^\*\n]+?) (?:Switch|Controller|Platform) (?:WC)?\d+.*?)\s+/
1316 0 0 if ($self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} =~ /FW:([\d\.]+)\s+SW:v([\d\.]+)/)
1327 0 0 if $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} =~ /\((Secure Router \d+)\)/
1328 0 0 if $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} =~ /Version: (.+)/
1335 0 0 if $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} =~ /\* Software Release (?i:v|REL)?(.+?) /
1342 0 0 if $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} =~ /\* Software Release (?i:v|REL)?(.+?) /
1349 0 0 if $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} =~ /Software Release Build (.+?) /
1356 0 0 if $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} =~ /AvayaOS Version (.+?) /
1359 0 0 if ($patdepth > $deepest)
1364 0 0 if $deepest > -1
1367 0 0 if ($self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} =~ /$usernamePrompt/) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} =~ /$passwordPrompt/) { }
1377 0 0 if ($pattern eq 'banner' or $pattern eq 'bell') { }
0 0 elsif ($pattern eq 'menu') { }
0 0 elsif ($pattern eq 'submenu') { }
0 0 elsif ($pattern =~ /^more\d$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($pattern =~ /^consoleLogMsg\d$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($pattern eq 'lastlogin') { }
0 0 elsif ($pattern eq 'username') { }
0 0 elsif ($pattern eq 'password') { }
0 0 elsif ($pattern eq 'localfail') { }
0 0 elsif ($pattern eq 'radiusfail') { }
0 0 elsif ($pattern =~ /^radiustimeout\d$/) { }
1379 0 0 unless $self->put('string', $CTRL_Y, 'errmode', 'return')
1385 0 0 unless $self->put('string', 'c', 'errmode', 'return')
1391 0 0 unless $self->put('string', $CTRL_C, 'errmode', 'return')
1397 0 0 unless $self->put('string', 'q', 'errmode', 'return')
1406 0 0 unless $self->print('errmode', 'return')
1413 0 0 unless $self->print('errmode', 'return')
1419 0 0 if ($login->{'login_attempted'})
1423 0 0 unless ($login->{'username'})
1424 0 0 if ($self->{'TYPE'} eq 'SSH') { }
1428 0 0 unless ($login->{'prompt_credentials'})
1435 0 0 unless $self->print('line', $login->{'username'}, 'errmode', 'return')
1443 0 0 if ($login->{'password_sent'})
1447 0 0 unless ($login->{'password'})
1448 0 0 unless ($login->{'prompt_credentials'})
1454 0 0 unless $self->print('line', $login->{'password'}, 'errmode', 'return')
1472 0 0 if ($login->{'family_type'}) { }
1473 0 0 if ($login->{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'pers'}) { }
1476 0 0 if ($self->{'POLL'}{'local_buffer'} =~ /($InitPrompt{$promptType})/)
1484 0 0 if ($self->{'POLL'}{'local_buffer'} =~ /($InitPrompt{$login->{'family_type'}})/)
1492 0 0 if ($self->{'POLL'}{'local_buffer'} =~ /($InitPrompt{$key})/)
1502 0 0 if ($capturedPrompt)
1512 0 0 if $login->{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'pers'}
1513 0 0 if ($login->{'detectionFromPrompt'})
1514 0 0 if ($login->{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'bstk'} or defined $cliType and $cliType eq 'nncli') { }
1524 0 0 if ($login->{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'generic'} or $login->{'detectionFromPrompt'} and not $self->{'LASTPROMPT'} =~ /^@/) { }
1530 0 0 unless $self->{'POLL'}{'blocking'}
1532 0 0 if ($login->{'stage'} < 3)
1534 0 0 unless $ok
1536 0 0 if ($login->{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'generic'} and $self->{'errmode'} eq 'croak' || $self->{'errmode'} eq 'die')
1541 0 0 if ($login->{'stage'} < 4)
1542 0 0 if ($login->{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'pers'} or $login->{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'xlr'})
1543 0 0 $self->{'LASTPROMPT'} =~ /^@/ ? :
1544 0 0 if $self->{'LASTPROMPT'} =~ /^@/
1546 0 0 if $login->{'detectionFromPrompt'}
1550 0 0 if $login->{'login_attempted'}
1560 0 0 unless ($self->{'POLLING'})
1565 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'}{$pollsub})
1569 0 0 if (@_ and not %args)
1573 0 0 if defined $args{'feed_list'} and !ref($args{'feed_list'}) eq 'ARRAY'
1600 0 0 defined $args{'prompt'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'more_prompt'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'more_prompt'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'more_pages'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'cmd_confirm_prompt'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'cmd_initiated_prompt'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'progress_dots'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'timeout'} ? :
1606 0 0 if defined $cmd->{'errmode'}
1607 0 0 if $self->eof
1608 0 0 if $cmd->{'reset_prompt'}
1612 0 0 if ($cmd->{'stage'} < 1)
1614 0 0 if (defined $cmd->{'command'})
1617 0 0 if ($command =~ /\?\s*$/ and $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'})
1618 0 0 if ($familyType eq $Prm{'sr'}) { }
1625 0 0 unless $self->print('line', $command, 'errmode', 'return')
1631 0 0 if ($cmd->{'stage'} == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd->{'stage'} == 2) { }
1633 0 0 if defined $ok and $ok == 0
1634 0 0 unless (defined $ok)
1635 0 0 if ($cmd->{'alreadyCmdTimeout'} or not length $familyType or $familyType eq $Prm{'generic'})
1639 0 0 unless $self->print('errmode', 'return')
1645 0 0 unless $self->{'POLL'}{'blocking'}
1651 0 0 unless $ok
1653 0 0 unless (length $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'})
1656 0 0 if ($feed = shift @{$$cmd{'feed_data'};}) { }
1660 0 0 if (++$cmd->{'cmdPromptCount'} > $self->{$Package}{'cmd_feed_timeout'})
1666 0 0 unless $self->print('line', $feed, 'errmode', 'return')
1669 0 0 unless $self->{'POLL'}{'blocking'}
1675 0 0 unless $ok
1680 0 0 if ($cmd->{'progress_dots'})
1681 0 0 unless defined $cmd->{'progress'}
1682 0 0 if (($cmd->{'progress'} += length $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'}) > $cmd->{'progress_dots'})
1688 0 0 unless ($cmd->{'cmdEchoRemoved'})
1690 0 0 if ($self->{'POLL'}{'local_buffer'} =~ s/(^.*\n)//) { }
1693 0 0 if $familyType eq $Prm{'xirrus'}
1697 0 0 unless length $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'}
1710 0 0 if (length $output)
1712 0 0 if $familyType eq $Prm{'sr'}
1713 0 0 if ($familyType eq $Prm{'xirrus'})
1726 0 0 if length $output
1727 0 0 if length $cmd->{'lastLine'}
1729 0 0 if (length $output)
1735 0 0 if (length $cmd->{'lastLine'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'local_buffer'} =~ s/\n\n$/\n/) { }
1746 0 0 unless length $cmd->{'lastLine'}
1748 0 0 if ($cmd->{'lastLine'} =~ s/($cmd->{'prompt'})//)
1751 0 0 if $cmd->{'reset_prompt'}
1752 0 0 $cmd->{'reset_prompt'} ? :
1753 0 0 unless ($newLineLastLine and not length $cmd->{'lastLine'})
1759 0 0 if ($cmd->{'more_prompt_delay'} and not $cmd->{'morePromptDelayed'} and $cmd->{'lastLine'} =~ /(?:$cmd->{'more_prompt_delay'})$/)
1763 0 0 unless $self->{'POLL'}{'blocking'}
1766 0 0 if ($cmd->{'more_prompt'} and $cmd->{'lastLine'} =~ s/(?:$cmd->{'more_prompt'})$//)
1768 0 0 if (length $cmd->{'lastLine'})
1771 0 0 if $newLineLastLine
1773 0 0 if $newLineLastLine
1774 0 0 if ($cmd->{'more_pages'} == 0 or $cmd->{'more_pages'}-- > 1) { }
1776 0 0 unless $self->put('string', $Space, 'errmode', 'return')
1781 0 0 unless $self->put('string', 'q', 'errmode', 'return')
1784 0 0 unless $self->{'POLL'}{'blocking'}
1787 0 0 if ($cmd->{'yn_prompt'} and $cmd->{'lastLine'} =~ /$cmd->{'yn_prompt'}/)
1788 0 0 if (++$cmd->{'ynPromptCount'} > $self->{$Package}{'cmd_feed_timeout'})
1792 0 0 unless $self->print('line', 'y', 'errmode', 'return')
1794 0 0 unless $self->{'POLL'}{'blocking'}
1797 0 0 if ($cmd->{'cmd_prompt'} and $cmd->{'lastLine'} =~ /$cmd->{'cmd_prompt'}/)
1801 0 0 unless $self->{'POLL'}{'blocking'}
1806 0 0 if $cmd->{'lastLine'} =~ s/^\n//
1818 0 0 unless ($self->{'POLLING'})
1823 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'}{$pollsub})
1826 0 0 if (@_ and not %args)
1844 0 0 if defined $attrib->{'errmode'}
1845 0 0 if $self->eof
1848 0 0 if ($attrib->{'stage'} < 1)
1849 0 0 unless defined $attrib->{'attribute'}
1850 0 0 unless $familyType
1853 0 0 if ($attrib->{'reload'})
1854 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'family_type' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_nncli' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_acli' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_master_cpu' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'cpu_slot') { }
1856 0 0 unless $self->print
1865 0 0 if ($attrib->{'stage'} < 2)
1867 0 0 unless $ok
1871 0 0 if ($attrib->{'stage'} < 3)
1873 0 0 if (defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIBFLAG'}{$attrib->{'attribute'}})
1878 0 0 if $familyType eq $Prm{'generic'}
1883 0 0 if ($familyType eq $Prm{'pers'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($familyType eq $Prm{'bstk'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($familyType eq $Prm{'sr'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($familyType eq $Prm{'trpz'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($familyType eq $Prm{'xlr'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($familyType eq $Prm{'xirrus'}) { }
1884 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_ha')
1885 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
1890 0 0 unless $ok
1891 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /Current CPU State : Disabled State./) { }
0 0 elsif ($$outref =~ /Current CPU State/) { }
1903 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version')
1904 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
1909 0 0 unless $ok
1910 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Version : Build (?i:v|REL)?(.+?) /
1914 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version')
1915 0 0 if ($attrib->{'stage'} < 4)
1916 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
1921 0 0 unless $ok
1922 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /Version:\s+(?i:v|REL)?(.+)/) { }
1932 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
1937 0 0 unless $ok
1938 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /Version:\s+(?i:v|REL)?(.+)/) { }
1947 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'stp_mode')
1948 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
1953 0 0 unless $ok
1954 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /flags spanning-tree-mode (mstp|rstp)/) { }
1963 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'baudrate')
1964 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
1969 0 0 unless $ok
1970 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /sio (?:console )?baud (\d+)/)
1976 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'max_baud')
1977 0 0 if ($attrib->{'stage'} < 4)
1978 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
1983 0 0 unless $ok
1987 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /(?:-|\.\.)\s?(\d+)[>}]/) { }
1997 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2002 0 0 unless $ok
2006 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /(?:-|\.\.)\s?(\d+)[>}]/)
2012 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_master_cpu'}) { }
2013 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_dual_cpu' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_mac')
2014 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2019 0 0 unless $ok
2020 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /SysDescr\s+: (.+?) \(/g)
2022 0 0 if ($$outref =~ / BoxType: (.+)/cg) { }
2033 0 0 if $$outref =~ /SysName\s+: (.+)/g
2034 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_voss'}) { }
2035 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /BrandName:?\s+: (.+)/cg) { }
2046 0 0 if $$outref =~ /BaseMacAddr\s+: (.+)/g
2047 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /CP.+ dormant / or $$outref =~ /\s1\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/ and $$outref =~ /\s2\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/) { }
2057 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Virtual IP\s+: (.+)/g
2065 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_apls' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_voss' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'apls_box_type' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'brand_name' or not $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIBFLAG'}{'model'} and $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' || $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports' or not $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIBFLAG'}{'is_voss'} and $attrib->{'attribute'} =~ /^(?:is_)?oob_/)
2066 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2071 0 0 unless $ok
2072 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /SysDescr\s+: (.+?) \(/g)
2074 0 0 if ($$outref =~ / BoxType: (.+)/cg) { }
2085 0 0 if $$outref =~ /SysName\s+: (.+)/g
2086 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_voss'}) { }
2087 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /BrandName:?\s+: (.+)/cg) { }
2098 0 0 if $$outref =~ /BaseMacAddr\s+: (.+)/g
2100 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /CP.+ dormant / or $$outref =~ /\s1\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/ and $$outref =~ /\s2\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/) { }
0 0 elsif ($$outref =~ /System Error Info :/) { }
2109 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Virtual IP\s+: (.+)/g
2110 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_apls' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_voss' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'apls_box_type' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'brand_name') { }
2119 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports')
2120 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'} and $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'model'} =~ /(?:Passport|ERS)-8[36]\d\d/) { }
2121 0 0 if ($attrib->{'stage'} < 4)
2122 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2127 0 0 unless $ok
2132 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2137 0 0 unless $ok
2143 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2148 0 0 unless $ok
2154 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} =~ /^(?:is_)?oob_/)
2155 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_voss'}) { }
2156 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2161 0 0 unless $ok
2163 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Portmgmt\s+ ([\d\.]+)/g
2164 0 0 if $$outref =~ m[Port1/1\s+ ([\d\.]+)]g
2165 0 0 if $$outref =~ /MgmtVirtIp\s+ ([\d\.]+)/g
2166 0 0 if $$outref =~ m[Port2/1\s+ ([\d\.]+)]g
2167 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Portmgmt2\s+ ([\d\.]+)/g
2168 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'cpu_slot'} == 1) { }
2180 0 0 defined $self->socket && (defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_ip'} && $self->socket->peerhost eq $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_ip'} || defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_virt_ip'} && $self->socket->peerhost eq $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_virt_ip'}) ? :
2186 0 0 if ($attrib->{'stage'} < 4)
2187 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2192 0 0 unless $ok
2194 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /CP.+ dormant / or $$outref =~ /\s1\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/ and $$outref =~ /\s2\s+\d{4}\S{2}\s+1\s+CPU\s+(?:\d+\s+){4}/) { }
2203 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /Virtual IP\s+: (.+)/g) { }
2212 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2217 0 0 unless $ok
2219 0 0 if $$outref =~ m[^net mgmt ip ([\d\.]+)/[\d\.]+ *(?:cpu-slot [35])?$]m
2220 0 0 if $$outref =~ m[^net mgmt ip ([\d\.]+)/[\d\.]+ cpu-slot 6$]m
2221 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'cpu_slot'} < 5) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'cpu_slot'} == 5) { }
2227 0 0 $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_dual_cpu'} ? :
2231 0 0 $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_dual_cpu'} ? :
2235 0 0 defined $self->socket && (defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_ip'} && $self->socket->peerhost eq $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_ip'} || defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_virt_ip'} && $self->socket->peerhost eq $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_virt_ip'}) ? :
2243 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_apls')
2248 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_voss')
2249 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2254 0 0 unless $ok
2255 0 0 if ($$outref =~ m[Only devices /intflash]) { }
2269 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'switch_mode' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'unit_number' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_unit' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'stack_size' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_mac')
2270 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2275 0 0 unless $ok
2276 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /Operation Mode:\s+(Switch)/g) { }
0 0 elsif ($$outref =~ /Operation Mode:\s+(Stack), Unit # (\d)/g) { }
2290 0 0 if $$outref =~ /MAC Address:\s+(.+)/cg
2291 0 0 if $$outref =~ /sysDescr:\s+(.+?)(?:\n|\s{4})/cg
2293 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /FW:([\d\.]+)\s+SW:v([\d\.]+)/cg)
2297 0 0 if $$outref =~ /sysName: +(\S+)/cg
2301 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports')
2302 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2307 0 0 unless $ok
2312 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'stp_mode')
2313 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2318 0 0 unless $ok
2319 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /Current STP Operation Mode: (STPG|MSTP|RSTP)/) { }
2328 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'mgmt_vlan')
2329 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2334 0 0 unless $ok
2335 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Management VLAN: (\d+)/
2339 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'mgmt_ip' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'oob_ip' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_oob_connected')
2340 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2345 0 0 unless $ok
2346 0 0 if $$outref =~ /(?:Switch|Stack) IP Address:\s+[\d\.]+\s+([\d\.]+)\s+[\d\.]+/g
2347 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /Mgmt (?:Switch|Stack) IP Address:\s+[\d\.]+\s+([\d\.]+)\s/g) { }
2354 0 0 defined $self->socket && (defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_ip'} && $self->socket->peerhost eq $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'oob_ip'}) ? :
2359 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'baudrate')
2360 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2365 0 0 unless $ok
2366 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /Terminal speed: (\d+)/)
2372 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'max_baud')
2373 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2378 0 0 unless $ok
2381 0 0 if not defined $baudRate or $1 > $baudRate
2389 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model')
2390 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2395 0 0 unless $ok
2396 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Chassis Model: (.+)/
2400 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version')
2401 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2406 0 0 unless $ok
2407 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Runtime: (.+)/g
2408 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Boot: (.+?) /
2412 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports')
2413 0 0 if ($attrib->{'stage'} < 4)
2414 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2419 0 0 unless $ok
2424 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2429 0 0 unless $ok
2434 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname')
2435 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2440 0 0 unless $ok
2441 0 0 if $$outref =~ /HostName: (.+)/g
2445 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_mac')
2446 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2451 0 0 unless $ok
2452 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Mac Address\s+0x(.+)/g
2458 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_mac')
2459 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2464 0 0 unless $ok
2465 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Product Name:\s+(.+)/g
2466 0 0 if $$outref =~ /System Name:\s+(.+)/g
2467 0 0 if $$outref =~ /System MAC:\s+(.+)/g
2471 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version')
2472 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2477 0 0 unless $ok
2478 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Version: (.+?) REL/g
2479 0 0 if $$outref =~ /BootLoader:\s+(.+)/
2483 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports')
2484 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2489 0 0 unless $ok
2496 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version')
2497 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2502 0 0 unless $ok
2503 0 0 if $$outref =~ /# box type\s+: (.+)/g
2504 0 0 if $$outref =~ /# boot monitor version\s+: v?(.+)/g
2505 0 0 if $$outref =~ /# software version\s+: v?(.+)/g
2509 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'is_dual_cpu' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname')
2510 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2515 0 0 unless $ok
2516 0 0 if $$outref =~ /SysDescr\s+: (.+?) \(/g
2517 0 0 if $$outref =~ /SysName\s+: (.+)/g
2518 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /CPU.+ dormant /) { }
2527 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports')
2528 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2533 0 0 unless $ok
2541 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'model' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'base_mac' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'fw_version' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sw_version')
2542 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2547 0 0 unless $ok
2548 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Model: (.+?),/g
2549 0 0 if $$outref =~ /IAPs\s+(.+?)-/g
2550 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Boot Loader\s+(.+?) \(.+?\), Build: (.+)/g
2551 0 0 if $$outref =~ /System Software\s+(.+?) \(.+?\), Build: (.+)/g
2555 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'sysname')
2556 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2561 0 0 unless $ok
2562 0 0 if $$outref =~ /Access Point Hostname\s*(.+)/g
2566 0 0 if ($attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'slots' or $attrib->{'attribute'} eq 'ports')
2567 0 0 unless ($attrib->{'debugMsg'})
2572 0 0 unless $ok
2587 0 0 unless ($self->{'POLLING'})
2592 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'}{$pollsub})
2595 0 0 if (@_ and not %args)
2615 0 0 $args{'baudrate'} eq 'max' ? :
2620 0 0 if defined $changeBaud->{'errmode'}
2623 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'local_side_only'})
2635 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'stage'} < 1)
2636 0 0 unless ($self->connection_type eq 'SERIAL')
2639 0 0 unless (defined $self->baudrate)
2642 0 0 unless (defined $changeBaud->{'baudrate'})
2645 0 0 unless ($familyType)
2651 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'stage'} < 2)
2652 0 0 unless (defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'baudrate'})
2654 0 0 unless $ok
2656 0 0 unless (defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'baudrate'})
2657 0 0 unless $changeBaud->{'maxMode'}
2662 0 0 unless (defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'max_baud'})
2664 0 0 unless $ok
2666 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'maxMode'} and not defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'max_baud'})
2671 0 0 if $changeBaud->{'maxMode'}
2673 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == $self->baudrate)
2679 0 0 if ($familyType eq $Prm{'generic'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($familyType eq $Prm{'bstk'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($familyType eq $Prm{'pers'}) { }
2683 0 0 unless ($changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 9600 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 19200 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 38400)
2688 0 0 unless ($changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 9600 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 19200 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 38400 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 57600 or $changeBaud->{'baudrate'} == 115200)
2694 0 0 unless $changeBaud->{'maxMode'}
2702 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'stage'} < 3)
2703 0 0 if ($familyType eq $Prm{'pers'})
2704 0 0 unless (defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'model'})
2706 0 0 unless $ok
2708 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'userExec'} = $self->last_prompt =~ />\s?$/)
2710 0 0 unless $ok
2716 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'stage'} < 4)
2717 0 0 if ($familyType eq $Prm{'pers'} and $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'})
2718 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'privExec'} = !($self->last_prompt =~ /\(config/))
2720 0 0 unless $ok
2721 0 0 unless $$resref
2727 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'stage'} < 5)
2728 0 0 if ($familyType eq $Prm{'bstk'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($familyType eq $Prm{'pers'}) { }
2729 0 0 unless $self->print('line', "terminal speed $changeBaud->{'baudrate'}", 'errmode', 'return')
2733 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'model'} =~ /(?:Passport|ERS)-(?:83|16)\d\d/) { }
2734 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'}) { }
2735 0 0 unless $self->print('line', "boot config sio baud $changeBaud->{'baudrate'}", 'errmode', 'return')
2739 0 0 unless $self->print('line', "config bootconfig sio baud $changeBaud->{'baudrate'}", 'errmode', 'return')
2744 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'}) { }
2745 0 0 unless $self->print('line', "boot config sio console baud $changeBaud->{'baudrate'}", 'errmode', 'return')
2749 0 0 unless $self->print('line', "config bootconfig sio console baud $changeBaud->{'baudrate'}", 'errmode', 'return')
2758 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'stage'} < 6)
2760 0 0 unless $ok
2761 0 0 if (length $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'} =~ /$self->{$Package}{'prompt_qr'}/)
2763 0 0 unless $changeBaud->{'maxMode'}
2768 0 0 if (defined $self->{$Package}{'ORIGBAUDRATE'}) { }
2769 0 0 if $self->{$Package}{'ORIGBAUDRATE'} == $changeBaud->{'baudrate'}
2777 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'stage'} < 7)
2782 0 0 unless $ok
2788 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'stage'} < 8)
2790 0 0 unless $ok
2794 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'stage'} < 9)
2795 0 0 if ($familyType eq $Prm{'pers'} and $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'})
2796 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'privExec'})
2798 0 0 unless $ok
2799 0 0 unless $$resref
2805 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'stage'} < 10)
2806 0 0 if ($familyType eq $Prm{'pers'} and $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'})
2807 0 0 if ($changeBaud->{'userExec'})
2809 0 0 unless $ok
2810 0 0 unless $$resref
2824 0 0 unless ($self->{'POLLING'})
2829 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'}{$pollsub})
2832 0 0 if (@_ and not %args)
2846 0 0 defined $args{'password'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'prompt_credentials'} ? :
2851 0 0 if defined $enable->{'errmode'}
2852 0 0 if $self->eof
2858 0 0 if ($enable->{'stage'} < 1)
2860 0 0 unless $familyType
2861 0 0 unless $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'}
2862 0 0 unless $self->last_prompt =~ />\s?$/
2866 0 0 unless $self->print('line', 'enable', 'errmode', 'return')
2873 0 0 unless $ok
2876 0 0 if $self->{'POLL'}{'local_buffer'} =~ /error: Access denied/
2877 0 0 if ($self->{'POLL'}{'local_buffer'} =~ /$passwordPrompt/)
2879 0 0 if (defined $enable->{'enable_password'}) { }
2880 0 0 if ($enable->{'login_attempted'} == 1) { }
2883 0 0 unless $self->print('line', $enablePwd, 'errmode', 'return')
2889 0 0 unless $self->print('errmode', 'return')
2894 0 0 if ($enable->{'login_attempted'} == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($enable->{'login_attempted'} == 2) { }
2897 0 0 unless $self->print('errmode', 'return')
2903 0 0 unless $self->print('line', $enablePwd, 'errmode', 'return')
2907 0 0 if ($enable->{'prompt_credentials'}) { }
2909 0 0 unless $self->print('line', $enablePwd, 'errmode', 'return')
2915 0 0 unless $self->print('errmode', 'return')
2925 0 0 if $enable->{'login_failed'}
2926 0 0 if $self->last_prompt =~ />\s?$/
2927 0 0 if defined $enablePwd
2937 0 0 unless ($self->{'POLLING'})
2942 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'}{$pollsub})
2945 0 0 if (@_ and not %args)
2962 0 0 if defined $devMorePage->{'errmode'}
2963 0 0 if $self->eof
2966 0 0 unless $familyType
2967 0 0 if ($familyType eq $Prm{'bstk'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($familyType eq $Prm{'pers'} or $familyType eq $Prm{'xlr'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($familyType eq $Prm{'sr'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($familyType eq $Prm{'trpz'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($familyType eq $Prm{'xirrus'}) { }
2968 0 0 $devMorePage->{'enable'} ? :
0 0 unless defined $devMorePage->{'cmdString'}
2970 0 0 unless $ok
2971 0 0 unless $$resref
2974 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'}) { }
2975 0 0 if ($devMorePage->{'stage'} < 1)
2976 0 0 unless (defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'model'})
2978 0 0 unless $ok
2980 0 0 if (defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'model'} and $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'model'} =~ /(?:Passport|ERS)-83\d\d/) { }
2987 0 0 if ($devMorePage->{'stage'} < 2)
2988 0 0 $devMorePage->{'enable'} ? :
0 0 unless defined $devMorePage->{'cmdString'}
2990 0 0 unless $ok
2991 0 0 if not $$resref and defined $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'model'}
2993 0 0 if $$resref
2996 0 0 if ($devMorePage->{'stage'} < 3)
2997 0 0 $devMorePage->{'enable'} ? :
0 0 unless defined $devMorePage->{'cmdString'}
2999 0 0 unless $ok
3000 0 0 unless $$resref
3004 0 0 $devMorePage->{'enable'} ? :
0 0 unless defined $devMorePage->{'cmdString'}
3006 0 0 unless $ok
3007 0 0 unless $$resref
3011 0 0 $devMorePage->{'enable'} ? :
0 0 unless defined $devMorePage->{'cmdString'}
3013 0 0 unless $ok
3014 0 0 unless $$resref
3017 0 0 $devMorePage->{'enable'} ? :
0 0 unless defined $devMorePage->{'cmdString'}
3019 0 0 unless $ok
3020 0 0 unless $$resref
3023 0 0 $devMorePage->{'enable'} ? :
0 0 unless defined $devMorePage->{'cmdString'}
3025 0 0 unless $ok
3026 0 0 unless $$resref
3040 0 0 unless ($self->{'POLLING'})
3045 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'}{$pollsub})
3048 0 0 if (@_ and not %args)
3061 0 0 defined $args{'username'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'password'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'prompt_credentials'} ? :
3066 0 0 if defined $devPeerCpu->{'errmode'}
3067 0 0 if $self->eof
3070 0 0 if ($devPeerCpu->{'stage'} < 1)
3071 0 0 unless ($familyType)
3074 0 0 unless ($familyType eq $Prm{'pers'})
3077 0 0 unless ($devPeerCpu->{'username'} and $devPeerCpu->{'password'} or $devPeerCpu->{'prompt_credentials'})
3083 0 0 if ($devPeerCpu->{'stage'} < 2)
3085 0 0 unless $ok
3087 0 0 unless $self->print('line', 'peer telnet', 'errmode', 'return')
3092 0 0 if ($devPeerCpu->{'stage'} < 3)
3094 0 0 unless defined $ok
3095 0 0 unless $ok
3097 0 0 unless defined $devPeerCpu->{'username'}
3098 0 0 unless $self->print('line', $devPeerCpu->{'username'}, 'errmode', 'return')
3103 0 0 if ($devPeerCpu->{'stage'} < 4)
3105 0 0 unless defined $ok
3106 0 0 unless $ok
3108 0 0 unless defined $devPeerCpu->{'password'}
3109 0 0 unless $self->print('line', $devPeerCpu->{'password'}, 'errmode', 'return')
3116 0 0 unless $ok
3120 0 0 $self->{'LASTPROMPT'} =~ /^@/ ? :
3121 0 0 if $self->{'LASTPROMPT'} =~ /^@/
3131 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'}{$pollsub})
3141 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'}) { }
3142 0 0 if ($cmdPrivExec->{'stage'} < 1)
3143 0 0 if ($cmdPrivExec->{'userExec'} = $self->last_prompt =~ />\s?$/)
3145 0 0 unless $ok
3149 0 0 if ($cmdPrivExec->{'stage'} < 2)
3151 0 0 unless $ok
3156 0 0 if ($cmdPrivExec->{'stage'} < 3)
3157 0 0 if ($cmdPrivExec->{'userExec'})
3159 0 0 unless $ok
3160 0 0 unless $$resref
3169 0 0 unless $ok
3181 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'}{$pollsub})
3192 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'}) { }
3193 0 0 if ($cmdConfig->{'stage'} < 1)
3194 0 0 if ($cmdConfig->{'userExec'} = $self->last_prompt =~ />\s?$/)
3196 0 0 unless $ok
3200 0 0 if ($cmdConfig->{'stage'} < 2)
3201 0 0 if ($cmdConfig->{'privExec'} = !($self->last_prompt =~ m[[\(/]config]))
3203 0 0 unless $ok
3204 0 0 unless $$resref
3208 0 0 if ($cmdConfig->{'stage'} < 3)
3210 0 0 unless $ok
3215 0 0 if ($cmdConfig->{'stage'} < 4)
3216 0 0 if ($cmdConfig->{'privExec'})
3218 0 0 unless $ok
3219 0 0 unless $$resref
3223 0 0 if ($cmdConfig->{'stage'} < 5)
3224 0 0 if ($cmdConfig->{'userExec'})
3226 0 0 unless $ok
3227 0 0 unless $$resref
3235 0 0 unless $cmdcli =~ /^config /
3237 0 0 unless $ok
3248 0 0 unless (defined $self->{'POLL'}{$pollsub})
3255 0 0 if ($discDevice->{'stage'} < 1)
3267 0 0 if ($discDevice->{'stage'} < 2)
3270 0 0 unless $ok
3272 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /\s+Configured\s+In Use\s+Last BootP/)
3282 0 0 if ($discDevice->{'stage'} < 3)
3285 0 0 unless $ok
3287 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /^\s+auto-recover-delay :/m)
3298 0 0 if ($discDevice->{'stage'} < 4)
3301 0 0 unless $ok
3303 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /^Version:\s+(?i:v|REL)?(.+)/m)
3315 0 0 if ($discDevice->{'stage'} < 5)
3318 0 0 unless $ok
3320 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /^Access Point Hostname\s*(.+)$/m)
3332 0 0 if ($discDevice->{'stage'} < 6)
3335 0 0 unless $ok
3337 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /^Chassis Model: (.+)$/m)
3349 0 0 if ($discDevice->{'stage'} < 7)
3352 0 0 unless $ok
3354 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /Product Name:\s+(.+)/g)
3359 0 0 if $$outref =~ /System Name:\s+(.+)/g
3360 0 0 if $$outref =~ /System MAC:\s+(.+)/g
3368 0 0 if ($discDevice->{'stage'} < 8)
3371 0 0 unless $ok
3373 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /^\s+NVRamSize:/m)
3395 0 0 if (shift() & $self->{'debug'})
3399 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'DEBUGLOGFH'}) { }
3417 0 0 if ($actualPrompt)
3432 0 0 if $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIBFLAG'}{'slots'}
3433 0 0 if $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIBFLAG'}{'ports'}
3435 0 0 if (defined $1 and !defined($currentSlot) || $1 != $currentSlot)
3437 0 0 unless grep {$_ eq $currentSlot;} @slots
3439 0 0 if (defined $currentSlot) { }
3440 0 0 unless grep {$_ eq $2;} @{$ports[$currentSlot];}
3443 0 0 unless grep {$_ eq $2;} @ports
3459 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'bstk'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'sr'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'trpz'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'xirrus'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_apls'}) { }
3489 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'family_type'} eq $Prm{'pers'})
3490 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_apls'} or $model =~ /^VSP/) { }
3533 0 0 if ($attrib eq 'is_nncli' or $attrib eq 'is_acli') { }
3543 0 0 if (defined $value) { }
3549 0 0 if ($attrib eq 'family_type')
3550 0 0 if (defined $Attribute{$value}) { }
3568 0 0 unless $familyType = $self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'family_type'}
3569 0 0 if $familyType eq $Prm{'generic'}
3570 0 0 if ($$outref =~ /$ErrorPatterns{$familyType}/m) { }
3586 0 0 if (defined $self->baudrate and defined(my $origBaud = $self->{$Package}{'ORIGBAUDRATE'}))
3588 0 0 if ($familyType eq $Prm{'bstk'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($familyType eq $Prm{'pers'}) { }
3595 0 0 if ($self->{$Package}{'ATTRIB'}{'is_nncli'}) { }