Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 66 66 100.0

line true false branch
26 4 3 exists $args{'options'}{'wrap_existing_import'} ? :
7 7 exists $args{'options'} ? :
31 4 10 if ($wrap_existing_import) { }
32 1 3 unless $existing_import
34 1 9 if $existing_import
52 2 4 exists $args{'options'}{'buildargs'} ? :
6 4 exists $args{'options'} ? :
97 4 17 if ($buildargs)
99 1 3 if @overriden_gimme > 1
101 2 1 if @overriden_gimme
109 98 8 if (exists $constants->{$gimme}) { }
7 1 elsif ($wrap_existing_import) { }
134 4 12 if ($wrap_existing_import and @leftover_gimme)
153 6 6 unless $args{'options'}
158 61 41 if (ref $value eq 'CODE') { }
39 2 elsif (ref $value eq 'HASH') { }
168 1 38 unless $value->{'options'}
195 18 209 unless (exists $constants->{$gimme})
196 1 17 unless $wrap_existing_import
213 8 201 exists $constants->{$gimme}{'options'}{'private_name_munger'} ? :
215 208 1 defined $private_name ? :
222 17 209 if ($wrap_existing_import and not exists $constants->{$gimme}) { }
6 203 elsif (do { &$make_private_glob_and_alias_name(); $pkg_stash->can($private_name) }) { }
226 16 1 if (my $code = $pkg_stash->can($gimme)) { }
228 2 14 if @value > 1
257 171 32 unless ref $stash
261 27 176 if ($override and not exists $Constant::Export::Lazy::_GETTING_VALUE_FOR_OVERRIDE->{$pkg_importer} && exists $Constant::Export::Lazy::_GETTING_VALUE_FOR_OVERRIDE->{$pkg_importer}{$gimme})
267 7 196 if (@overriden_value) { }
268 1 6 if @overriden_value > 1
281 97 5 unless (exists $Constant::Export::Lazy::_GETTING_VALUE_FOR_OVERRIDE->{$pkg_importer} and exists $Constant::Export::Lazy::_GETTING_VALUE_FOR_OVERRIDE->{$pkg_importer}{$gimme})
350 26 71 if (my $after = $constants->{$gimme}{'options'}{'after'})
354 1 25 if @ret
397 95 21 if (not exists $Constant::Export::Lazy::_GETTING_VALUE_FOR_OVERRIDE->{$pkg_importer} && exists $Constant::Export::Lazy::_GETTING_VALUE_FOR_OVERRIDE->{$pkg_importer}{$gimme} and exists $Constant::Export::Lazy::_CALL_SHOULD_ALIAS_FROM_TO->{$pkg_importer} and exists $Constant::Export::Lazy::_CALL_SHOULD_ALIAS_FROM_TO->{$pkg_importer}{$gimme})