Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 26 73.0

line true false branch
99 0 9 if $_[0] ne 'config'
103 2 7 if (@_ and $_[0] eq 'output')
104 0 9 if (@_ and $_[0] eq 'strict')
138 4 3 if ($Config::YAML::AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::get_(\w+)/)
140 1 3 unless defined $$self{$attr}
145 3 0 if ($Config::YAML::AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::set_(\w+)/)
188 1 9 if $file
193 0 10 unless open FH, '<', $$self{'_infile'}
195 9 181 if $line =~ /^\-{3,}/
196 0 181 if $line =~ /^#/
197 0 181 if $line =~ /^$/
223 11 3 unless $k =~ /^_/
227 0 1 unless open FH, '>', $$self{'_outfile'}