Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 58 96 60.4

line true false branch
36 44 20 ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH' ? :
41 0 43 unless exists $attr{$_}
45 1 63 if defined $attr{'dir'} and defined $attr{'path'}
57 0 63 if @_
60 44 19 if $file
69 0 63 unless defined $file
75 15 48 defined $self->{'attr'}{'dir'} ? :
94 12 66 if (not defined $self->{'attr'}{'dir'} and $file =~ m[^[.]{1,2}/]) { }
20 88 elsif ($self->{'attr'}{'path'} and not $file_p->is_absolute) { }
108 20 12 if $file_p->is_file
119 1 77 unless $file_p->is_file
122 0 77 if $Config::Wild::log->is_info
141 18 131 if $line =~ /^\s*\#|^\s*$/
143 15 116 if ($line =~ /^\s*%include\s+(.*)/) { }
151 0 116 unless $self->_parsepair($line)
171 0 0 unless defined $attr
174 0 0 if ($attr->{'Exists'} and $keyword = ($self->_splitpair($_))[0] and not $self->_exists($keyword))
181 0 0 unless $self->_parsepair($_)
191 0 116 unless defined $keyword and defined $value
193 4 112 if ($keyword =~ /\{/) { }
198 4 4 substr($_, 0, 1) ne '{' ? :
227 0 92 unless defined $keyword
232 90 2 if exists $self->{'abs'}{$keyword}
236 2 1 if $keyword =~ /$_->[0]/
240 0 0 if defined $self->{'attr'}{'UNDEF'}
257 0 1 unless defined $keyword
260 1 0 if (exists $self->{'abs'}{$keyword}) { }
273 0 0 unless defined $keyword
282 0 0 if exists $self->{'abs'}{$keyword}
285 0 0 if $keyword =~ /$_->[0]/
300 0 0 unless exists $self->{'attr'}{$key}
338 63 1 if $keyword eq 'DESTROY'
340 1 0 if (exists $self->{'abs'}{$keyword}) { }
347 0 0 if $keyword =~ /$_->[0]/
350 0 0 unless ($found)
352 0 0 if defined $self->{'attr'}{'UNDEF'}
359 0 1 if defined($newval = shift())
374 2 1 defined $ENV{$1} ? :
3 105 if $value =~ s/\$\{(\w+)\}/defined $ENV{$1} ? $ENV{$1} : '';/eg
378 10 98 if $value =~ s[\$\((\w+)\)][my $var = $1; if (defined $self->{'abs'}{$var}) { $self->{'abs'}{$var}; } elsif ($self->{'attr'}{'ExpandWild'} and my $kwd = &first(sub { $var =~ /$_->[0]/; } , @{$$self{'wild'};})) { $kwd->[1]; } else { ''; } ;]egx
380 7 3 if (defined $self->{'abs'}{$var}) { }
1 2 elsif ($self->{'attr'}{'ExpandWild'} and my $kwd = &first(sub { $var =~ /$_->[0]/; } , @{$$self{'wild'};})) { }
403 2 106 if $value =~ s/\$(\w+)/defined $self->{'abs'}{$1} ? $self->{'abs'}{$1} : (defined $ENV{$1} ? $ENV{$1} : "\$$1");/egx
405 1 0 defined $ENV{$1} ? :
1 1 defined $self->{'abs'}{$1} ? :
421 0 0 2 != (($keyword, $value) = $pair =~ /([^=\s]*)\s*=\s*(.*)/) ? :
435 0 116 if 2 != (($keyword, $value) = $pair =~ /([^=\s]*)\s*=\s*(.*)/)
446 1 0 if ref $file