Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 39 51 76.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
267 0 115 8 is_neat_array($node) || is_array($node) and not is_homogenous_simple_array($node)
271 213 4 1 is_array($subnode) and not is_homogenous_simple_array($subnode)
276 120 5 93 is_hash($subnode) and not exists $subnode->{''}
289 0 212 6 $recursive and is_hash($subnode) || is_neat_array($subnode) || is_array($subnode)
366 11 205 8 $should_escape and $scalar =~ /\s/
370 213 0 11 not $should_escape and $scalar ne ''
396 11 0 0 $$wasref == $BLOCK and $options->{'separate_blocks'}
410 113 0 2 $$wasref == $BLOCK and $options->{'separate_blocks'}
426 54 0 48 $$wasref and $options->{'separate_blocks'}
428 1 96 5 is_hash($val) and exists $val->{''}
439 0 78 4 $sequential_keys and is_number($key)
484 8 93 39 not $array_mode and scalar @keys > 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
267 119 4 0 is_neat_array($node) || is_array($node)
289 203 4 11 is_hash($subnode) || is_neat_array($subnode) || is_array($subnode)
430 0 5 0 is_scalar($default_value) or is_homogenous_simple_array($default_value)
439 15 4 78 $array_mode or $sequential_keys and is_number($key)
462 1 0 139 is_array($node) or is_neat_array($node)