Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 46 71.7

line true false branch
28 1 3 unless $class and $class ne ''
33 1 2 if $file and $file ne ''
45 1 4 unless &blessed($self)
48 1 3 if (not $file or $file eq '')
51 1 0 unless exists $$self{'file'} and $$self{'file'} ne ''
63 10 8 if $line =~ /^\s*(#.*)?$/
91 1 3 unless &blessed($self)
94 1 2 if (not $file or $file eq '') { }
1 1 elsif ($file eq $$self{'file'}) { }
97 1 0 unless exists $$self{'file'} and $$self{'file'} ne ''
104 1 0 unless $$self{'modified'}
108 0 1 if ($$self{'modified'})
124 0 1 unless open my $FH, '>', $work_file
129 0 1 unless $FH->close
132 0 1 unless rename $work_file, $file
142 1 6 unless &blessed($self)
146 1 5 if not exists $$self{'count'} or $$self{'count'} == 0
148 0 5 if $name eq ''
152 1 4 unless (exists $$self{'name'}{$name})
163 1 1 unless &blessed($self)
167 1 0 if not exists $$self{'count'} or $$self{'count'} == 0
169 0 0 if $name eq ''
172 0 0 if (not exists $$self{'name'}{$name}) { }