Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 75 112 66.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
160 127 0 162 -f $filename and -r $filename
203 178 0 0 grep {$_ eq $filename;} @{$self->config_files;} and not $args{'force'}
207 63 115 0 not $c and $args{'silent'}
216 0 0 63 $self->include and $args{'includes'}
226 0 0 334 $self->include and $args{'includes'}
474 0 128 206 defined $args{'section'} and defined $args{'name'}
524 58 34 14 defined $args{'as'} and $args{'as'} eq 'bool-or-int'
592 0 70 5 defined $args{'filter'} and length $args{'filter'}
597 0 2 2 defined $_ && /$args{'filter'}/i
665 0 0 5 defined $args{'key'} and length $args{'key'}
672 0 4 1 defined $args{'filter'} and length $args{'filter'}
678 0 1 2 defined $results{$_} and $results{$_} =~ /$args{'filter'}/i
684 0 0 0 defined $results{$_} and $results{$_} =~ /$args{'filter'}/i
851 6 64 20 defined $args{'value'} and defined $args{'as'}
894 20 0 8 defined $args{'filter'} and length $args{'filter'}
922 84 4 1 @replace > 1 and not $args{'multiple'}
927 70 4 14 @replace and $args{'value'}
74 1 13 @replace and $args{'value'} and not $args{'replace_all'}
930 69 14 0 @replace and !$args{'multiple'} || $args{'filter'} || $args{'replace_all'}
1131 18 9 5 @replace and not defined $got{'name'}
1140 0 3 4 $prev_matched and not defined $args{'to'}
1152 4 1 2 @replace and $prev_matched
5 1 1 @replace and $prev_matched and not defined $args{'to'}
1166 14 2 2 @replace and $prev_matched
16 1 1 @replace and $prev_matched and not defined $args{'to'}
1190 3 2 2 !defined($args{'to'}) && $$header{'section_is_last'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
228 334 0 $def{'section'} || ''
334 0 $sec || ''
229 0 0 $def{'subsection'} || ''
0 0 $subsec || ''
230 0 0 $def{'name'} || ''
0 0 $name || ''
484 1 0 $self->data->{$key} ||= []
485 1 0 $self->casing->{$key} ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
100 0 60 0 shift() || Cwd::cwd()
199 120 58 0 eval { do { Cwd::abs_path('File::Spec'->rel2abs($filename, $args{'relative'})) } } || $filename
481 65 128 13 not defined $self->origins->{$key} or $self->origins->{$key} eq $args{'origin'}
525 4 4 0 $args{'value'} =~ /^(?:true|yes|on|-?0*1)$/ or $args{'value'} =~ /^(?:false|no|off|0*)$/
930 10 1 3 !$args{'multiple'} || $args{'filter'} || $args{'replace_all'}
1059 1 2 89 !($name =~ /^[^=\n\[][^=\n]*$/) || $name =~ /(?:^[ \t]+|[ \t+]$)/