Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 70 111 63.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
151 0 58 11 $self->{'DefaultConfig'} and $self->{'InterPolateVars'}
333 0 0 2 $conf{'-FlagBits'} and ref $conf{'-FlagBits'} eq "HASH"
341 0 1 2 $conf{'-DefaultConfig'} and ref $conf{'-DefaultConfig'} eq "HASH"
0 0 1 $conf{'-DefaultConfig'} and ref $conf{'-DefaultConfig'} eq ""
466 58 9 4 $this->{'IncludeGlob'} and $configfile =~ /$glob/
473 3 1 0 not @include and defined $this->{'ConfigPath'}
516 63 0 1 -d $configfile and $this->{'IncludeDirectories'}
542 59 3 1 exists $this->{'files'}{$configfile} and not $this->{'IncludeAgain'}
572 0 63 4 $n_read == 3 && $read_BOM eq "\357\273\277"
578 0 4 63 $n_read and not $has_BOM
597 67 0 15 $flag and $flag eq "SCALAR"
694 0 577 3 not $this->{'ApacheCompatible'} and m[\s*<([^/]+?.*?)/>\s*$]
761 346 0 87 $this->{'IncludeRelative'} and defined $this->{'CurrentConfigFilePath'}
781 2 0 2 $this->{'IncludeGlob'} and $opt =~ /opt/i
2 0 2 $this->{'IncludeGlob'} and $opt =~ /opt/i and not $incl_file =~ /[*?\[\{\\]/
805 13 0 8 $this->{'IncludeRelative'} and $path
13 0 8 $this->{'IncludeRelative'} and $path and not file_name_is_absolute($incl_file)
841 0 3 0 $includeFlag[-1] and /^\s*Define\s+("[^"]+"|\S+)/i
912 181 429 11 $value and $value =~ /^"/
610 2 9 $value and $value =~ /^"/ and $value =~ /"$/
1000 222 0 2 $this->{'ForceArray'} and defined $value
222 0 2 $this->{'ForceArray'} and defined $value and $value =~ /^\[\s*(.+?)\s*\]$/
1259 0 0 0 @two and $one
0 0 0 @two and $one and scalar(@two) % 2 == 0
1358 4 0 1 $this->{'ForceArray'} and scalar @{$config->{$entry};} == 1
4 0 1 $this->{'ForceArray'} and scalar @{$config->{$entry};} == 1 and not ref $config->{$entry}[0]
1514 0 0 1 $file && $hash

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
48 8 63 0 ref $this || $this
154 0 0 44 ref $self->{'ConfigFile'} eq "GLOB" or ref $self->{'ConfigFile'} eq "FileHandle"
223 11 0 59 $self->{'InterPolateVars'} or $self->{'InterPolateEnv'}
527 5 0 0 not exists $this->{'files'}{$file} or $this->{'IncludeAgain'}
575 2 2 63 $this->{'UTF8'} or $has_BOM
926 1 84 0 $1 || $2
927 7 32 46 $3 || $4
1325 0 0 1 not $config or ref $config ne "HASH"
1397 3 0 72 $line =~ /\n/ or $line =~ /\\$/
1429 1 1 70 $line =~ /^\s/ or $line =~ /\s$/