Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 78 94 82.9

line true false branch
1103 4 35 exists $args{'cache_config_files'} ? :
1104 8 31 exists $args{'stat_config'} ? :
1107 1 38 if (keys %args)
1113 1 37 if ($config) { }
1118 1 36 unless ($driver_name)
1121 0 36 unless $driver_name =~ /^\w+$/
1126 1 35 if ($@)
1130 15 20 if ($string) { }
19 1 elsif ($file) { }
1142 15 4 if ($cache_config_files)
1143 7 8 if ($self->_cache_check_valid($file, $stat_config))
1147 12 7 unless ($raw_config)
1158 8 3 if ($cache_config_files)
1190 2 27 if wantarray
1237 68 0 if (@_)
1241 59 9 if wantarray
1255 0 1 if wantarray
1287 49 47 if (@_ == 1) { }
1306 0 27 unless $$a[0] <=> $$b[0]
1314 0 110 if wantarray
1334 0 96 unless ($match_sections and ref $match_sections eq 'ARRAY' and @$match_sections)
1354 0 230 if (@bad_spec_keys)
1359 0 230 unless my $name = $$spec{'name'}
1360 0 230 unless my $match_type = $$spec{'match_type'}
1365 10 220 exists $$spec{'trim_section_names'} ? :
1367 2 228 if ($$self{'lower_case_names'})
1374 127 103 if ($target_section_type)
1377 0 127 unless $this_section_type
1380 71 56 if ($target_section_type ne $this_section_type)
1385 11 148 unless exists $$config{$name}
1393 233 4 if ($trim_section_names)
1397 34 203 if ($match_type =~ /^exact$/i) { }
56 147 elsif ($match_type =~ /^substring$/i) { }
53 94 elsif ($match_type =~ /^regex$/i) { }
94 0 elsif ($match_type =~ /^path$/i or $match_type =~ /^hierarchy$/i) { }
1398 5 29 if ($target_string eq $section_string)
1412 25 31 if (index($target_string, $section_string) != $[ - 1)
1427 23 30 if ($target_string =~ qr/($section_string)/)
1447 34 60 if ($section_string =~ /$path_sep$/ and $target_string =~ qr/^($regex)/ or $target_string =~ qr/^($regex)(?:$path_sep|$)/)
1567 4 11 unless exists $CC_Cache{$abs_path}
1568 0 11 unless ref $CC_Cache{$abs_path}{'__FILES'} eq 'ARRAY'
1578 11 0 if ($stat_config)
1579 7 4 if $$fileinfo{'__MTIME'} + $stat_config >= $time
1585 3 1 if $size != $$fileinfo{'__SIZE'}
1586 1 0 if $mtime != $$fileinfo{'__MTIME'}
1620 0 27 if ($@)
1624 0 27 if (@missing_modules)