Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 166 24.7

line true false branch
112 0 0 if ($min_vers > 0 and $ndv < $min_ndv)
141 0 0 if $Config::Cfe::verbose
176 0 1 if ($exist_flag and not -e $file)
190 0 1 unless (-e $file)
194 0 1 unless open FILE, $file
198 0 14 if @$lines >= $$Config::Cfe::par{'max_lines'}
226 0 1 unless $$Config::Cfe::par{'edit'}
228 1 0 unless $tpar{'mode'}
229 1 0 unless $tpar{'uid'}
230 1 0 unless $tpar{'gid'}
232 0 1 unless $file = $$Config::Cfe::par{'file_name'}
234 0 1 unless open FILEO, ">$tmp"
242 0 1 if -s $tmp != $fsize
243 1 0 unless ($Config::Cfe::debug)
245 0 1 unless rename $tmp, $file
264 0 0 unless $file = $$Config::Cfe::par{'file_name'}
266 0 0 unless unlink $tmp
267 0 0 if $txt
283 0 0 unless open FILE, $file
289 0 0 if @{$$Config::Cfe::par{'lines'};} >= $$Config::Cfe::par{'max_lines'}
306 4 0 if $from eq ''
307 4 0 if $to eq ''
329 0 0 unless defined $from
331 0 0 unless defined $to
353 0 0 if $n >= 0
368 0 0 unless $n
370 0 0 if $$Config::Cfe::par{'cur_line'} + $n > @{$$Config::Cfe::par{'lines'};}
406 0 0 if (@_)
433 0 3 if @new > 1
450 1 0 if @new > 1
481 0 0 unless $max
482 0 0 unless $newl
483 0 0 unless $sep
488 0 0 if $cnt++
489 0 0 if (length($str) + length($new) > $max)
495 0 0 if $str
526 0 19 if (ref($regexp) =~ /CODE/)
528 0 0 if ($del) { }
537 16 3 if (not /$regexp/) { }
566 0 0 unless $last >= 0
588 0 0 if $n eq 'end'
643 0 0 unless $last >= 0
648 0 0 if (eval "\$par->{'lines'}->[\$i] =~ $eval")
649 0 0 if (ref($eval) =~ /CODE/)
652 0 0 if ($tline ne $$lines[$i])
681 0 0 if (ref($eval) =~ /CODE/) { }
0 0 elsif (eval "\$lines->[\$i] =~ $eval") { }
684 0 0 if ($tline ne $$lines[$i])
714 0 0 if $n eq 'end'
718 0 0 if $last >= @$lines
721 0 0 if (ref($eval) =~ /CODE/)
724 0 0 if ($tline ne $$lines[$i])
730 0 0 if (eval "\$lines->[\$i] =~ $eval")
757 3 13 if ($$lines[$i] =~ /$regexp/)
758 3 0 if (ref($eval) =~ /CODE/)
761 3 0 if ($tline ne $$lines[$i])
768 0 0 if (eval "\$lines->[\$i] =~ $eval")
797 0 0 if ($$lines[$i] =~ s/$from/$to/g)
822 3 0 unless $cstart
823 3 0 unless $cend
888 0 0 if $n eq 'end'
945 0 0 if $n eq 'end'
991 0 1 unless $$Config::Cfe::par{'cur_sect'}
1009 0 0 unless &locate(sprintf($$Config::Cfe::par{'find_sect'}, 'begin', $section))
1039 0 0 unless &locate(sprintf($$Config::Cfe::par{'find_sect'}, 'begin', $section))
1044 0 0 unless $to >= $from
1059 0 0 unless &locate(sprintf($$Config::Cfe::par{'find_sect'}, 'begin', $section))
1064 0 0 unless $to >= $from
1081 0 0 unless &locate(sprintf($$Config::Cfe::par{'find_sect'}, 'begin', $section))
1086 0 0 unless $to >= $from
1101 0 0 if $$lines[$i] =~ /$regexp/
1110 1 4 if $i eq ''
1122 28 14 if $Config::Cfe::verbose == 0
1125 14 0 if $Config::Cfe::verbose < 0
1160 0 1 if length $r < 3
1167 0 1 $ostype eq 'SunOS' && $version < 5 ? :
1168 0 1 $ostype eq 'SunOS' && $version > 5 ? :
1169 0 1 $ostype eq 'FreeBSD' ? :
1170 0 1 $ostype eq 'SunOS' ? :
1171 1 0 $ostype eq 'Linux' ? :
1173 0 1 $mach_type =~ /^(i[3-9]86)/ ? :
1177 1 0 if (-f '/etc/debian_version')
1184 0 1 if length $deb < 3