Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 154 202 76.2

line true false branch
161 490 1129 if @_
172 11 64 if (my $format = $hash{'format'})
175 0 11 unless $Methods{$format}
182 75 75 defined $hash{$key} ? :
205 31 31 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($self, 'Config::Auto'))
206 0 31 unless $self = 'Config::Auto'->new('source', $self, @_)
216 61 1 unless ($self->format)
217 0 61 if $self->file and -B $self->file and $] >= '5.006'
222 1 6 if exists $$score{'perl'} and $Config::Auto::DisablePerl
225 1 60 unless keys %$score
229 24 36 if (@methods > 1)
231 0 24 if $$score{$methods[0]} == $$score{$methods[1]}
258 27 66 if $self->_score
262 0 66 if $$data[0] =~ /^\s*<\?xml/
263 10 56 if $$data[0] =~ /^#!.*perl/
268 6 278 if /(?:\#|%) # a #YAML or %YAML YAML (?::|\s) # a YAML: or YAML[space] /x and $$data[0] eq $_
272 6 278 if /^---/ and $$data[0] eq $_
273 0 284 if /^\s+-\s\w+:\s\w+/
276 0 284 if /^\s*#\s*\w+\s*=/
277 50 234 if /^\s*#/
282 41 193 unless /\S/
284 47 146 if /^.*=.*$/
285 24 169 if /^\S+\s+=\s+/
286 71 122 if /^[^:]+:[^:=]+/
287 47 146 if /^\s*\w+\s*:[^:]+$/
288 0 193 if /^\s*\w+\s*:=[^:]+$/
289 0 193 if /^\s*\$\w+(\{.*?\})*\s*=.*/
290 27 166 if /^[^\s:]+\s+\S+$/
293 107 86 if /^(\S+)\s+(\S+\s*)+/
294 1 192 if /\s*\S+\s*{$/
295 18 175 if m[^[\w/\-\+]+$]
296 3 190 if /^\s*}\s*$/ and exists $score{'bind'}
297 0 193 if /^\s*};\s*$/ and exists $score{'irssi'}
298 0 193 if /(\s*|^)\w+\s*=\s*{/
299 0 193 if /\b([\@%\$]\w+)/g
300 24 169 if /;\s*$/
301 0 193 if /(if|for|while|until|unless)\s*\(/
303 36 157 if /^\s*\w+\s*=.*$/
304 7 186 if /^\s*\[[\s\w]+\]\s*$/
308 20 36 if (exists $score{'ini'})
310 7 13 $score{'ini'} > $score{'equal'} ? :
316 1 55 if (exists $score{'perl'})
317 1 0 unless "@$data" =~ /;/ > 3 or $#$data < 3
318 0 1 unless "@$data" =~ /;/
319 0 1 unless "@$data" =~ /([\$\@\%]\w+)/
335 23 64 if $self->_data
340 20 44 if (ref $src) { }
23 21 elsif ($src =~ /\n/) { }
372 13 45 if $self->_fh
377 12 33 if (ref $src) { }
12 21 elsif ($src =~ /\n/) { }
394 21 0 if (open $fh, $file) { }
415 88 63 if $self->_file
421 41 22 if (ref $src or $src =~ /\n/) { }
427 20 21 ref $src ? :
433 20 21 if ref $src
436 0 22 unless my $file = $self->_find_file($src, $self->path)
482 21 2 if -e $name
483 1 1 if $try = $self->_chkpaths($path, $name) and -e $try
484 0 1 if -e ($try = catfile($bindir, $name))
485 0 1 if -e ($try = catfile($ENV{'HOME'}, $name))
486 0 1 if -e "/etc/$name"
487 0 1 if -e "/usr/local/etc/$name"
500 0 2 unless defined $paths
503 2 0 ref $paths eq 'ARRAY' ? :
504 1 1 if -e ($file = catfile($path, $filename))
515 0 6 if $Config::Auto::Untaint
518 0 6 if $@
526 1 0 unless (exists $INC{'XML/'})
530 1 0 if $@
541 1 5 unless (exists $INC{'Config/'})
545 0 1 if $@
580 30 66 if /^\s*#/
581 12 54 unless /^\s*(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*)/
584 18 36 if ($v =~ /:/) { }
0 36 elsif ($v =~ /, /) { }
6 30 elsif ($v =~ / /) { }
0 30 elsif ($v =~ /,/) { }
604 6 78 if (exists $$c{$k} and not ref $$c{$k})
608 6 78 if (grep /=/, @v) { }
42 36 elsif (@v == 1) { }
613 6 0 if (/(.*)=(.*)/) { }
622 0 6 if (exists $$c{$k} and ref $$c{$k} ne 'HASH') { }
626 0 0 if ref($h = $_) eq 'hash'
628 0 0 if ($h) { }
635 18 24 if (exists $$c{$k}) { }
636 6 12 if (ref $$c{$k} eq 'HASH') { }
640 12 24 if (exists $$c{$k}) { }
641 0 12 if (ref $$c{$k} eq 'HASH') { }
657 18 12 if /^\s*#/
658 0 12 unless /^\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/
664 0 12 if ($v =~ /,/ and not $v =~ /(["']).*?,.*?\1/) { }
0 12 elsif ($v =~ /\s/) { }
669 0 0 unless $loaded_tp++
686 0 30 if /^\s*#/
687 0 30 unless /\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)/
692 0 30 if ($v =~ /,/ and not $v =~ /(["']).*?,.*?\1/) { }
12 18 elsif ($v =~ /\s/) { }
697 1 11 unless $loaded_tp++
711 0 60 unless my $msg = shift()
713 0 60 if $Config::Auto::Debug