Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 38 84.2

line true false branch
176 22 0 unless (defined $sep)
177 0 12 $word =~ /\./ ? :
10 12 $word =~ /::/ ? :
185 1 210 if ($tmp =~ /\A\Q$_\E(?:(\Q$sep\E).*|\z)/)
200 2 20 $args{'ns_prefixes'} ? :
215 0 748 if ref $inc
216 572 176 length $fspath ? :
217 520 228 unless opendir my $dh, $dir
219 456 4684 if $_ eq "." or $_ eq ".."
220 224 4460 unless /\A\w+(\.\w+)?\z/
222 1883 2577 if $isint and not $is_dir
223 2395 1 if $is_dir and $isint || $find_prefix
224 128 2449 if /(.+)\.pm\z/ and $find_pm
225 10 2567 if /(.+)\.pmc\z/ and $find_pmc
226 17 2560 if /(.+)\.pod\z/ and $find_pod
243 20 2 unless @ns_prefixes > 1
246 4 2 unless $seen{$_}++
252 22 0 unless $sch
257 0 0 if ($sch->[1]{'in'} and not grep({index($_, $word) == 0;} @{$$sch[1]{"in"};}))