Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 61 83 73.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
37 1 0 0 $word =~ /\A\$/ and $COMPLETE_GETOPT_LONG_DEFAULT_ENV
50 1 0 0 $word =~ m[\A~([^/]*)\z] and $COMPLETE_GETOPT_LONG_DEFAULT_FILE
72 1 0 0 $word =~ m[\A(~[^/]*)/] and $COMPLETE_GETOPT_LONG_DEFAULT_FILE
85 1 0 0 String::Wildcard::Bash::contains_wildcard($word) and $COMPLETE_GETOPT_LONG_DEFAULT_FILE
325 34 176 3 $i + 1 <= $#{$gospec;} && ref $$gospec[$i + 1]
334 338 1 24 $res->{'is_neg'} && length $o0 > 1
450 44 4 0 $word eq "--" and $i != $cword
574 10 15 3 $i + 1 < @words and $words[$i + 1] eq "="
605 11 1 1 $i + 1 < @words and $words[$i + 1] eq "="
641 26 0 0 defined $exp->{'do_complete_optname'} and not $exp->{'do_complete_optname'}
653 167 30 50 $exp->{'short_only'} and $optname =~ /\A--/
671 163 4 30 $seen_opts{$optname} and not $repeatable
167 15 15 $seen_opts{$optname} and not $repeatable and !$opt || $opt ne $optname || defined $exp->{'prefix'} && index($exp->{'prefix'}, substr($opt, 1, 1)) >= 0
722 0 0 10 $compres and $comp

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
31 1 0 $args{'word'} // ""
300 1 34 $args{'extras'} // {}
301 2 33 $args{'bundling'} // 1
545 0 11 $expects[$i]{'short_only'} //= 1
565 9 19 $seen_opts{$opt} // 0
678 0 169 &$code_get_summary($optname) // ""
754 18 0 Complete::Util::combine_answers(@answers) // []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
331 0 81 132 $res->{'min_vals'} //= $res->{'type'} ? 1 : 0
332 81 2 130 $res->{'type'} || $res->{'opttype'}
0 83 130 $res->{'max_vals'} //= $res->{'type'} || $res->{'opttype'} ? 1 : 0
340 151 1 259 length $o == 1 || !$bundling && $res->{'dash_prefix'} eq '-'
623 9 12 14 $exp->{'word'} // $words[$cword]
658 2 0 31 $parsed->{'desttype'} or $parsed->{'is_inc'}
671 23 7 0 !$opt || $opt ne $optname || defined $exp->{'prefix'} && index($exp->{'prefix'}, substr($opt, 1, 1)) >= 0
695 1 6 17 exists $exp->{'optval'} or exists $exp->{'arg'}
711 9 1 0 $opt // $exp->{'possible_optnames'}