Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 36 75.0

line true false branch
52 0 931 unless defined $tc->name
66 167 84 if defined $tc
102 0 1 unless scalar @values >= 2
116 1 4 if ($tc->has_coercion) { }
137 40 13 $constraint->validation->($value) ? :
152 6 179 if $$attr{'required'} and not defined $value
156 3 0 unless defined $value or $$attr{'required'}
159 14 162 &_is_parameterized_type_constraint($type_name) ? :
165 7 169 if ($$attr{'coerce'})
166 0 7 unless $tc->has_coercion
193 0 6 unless defined $base_type and defined $type_parameter
197 0 6 unless defined $tc_base
200 0 2 unless &_base_type_is_arrayref($base_type) or &_base_type_is_hashref($base_type)
213 4 2 if (&_base_type_is_arrayref($base_type)) { }
2 0 elsif (&_base_type_is_hashref($base_type)) { }
217 2 17 if $@
228 2 6 if $@
253 6 0 if ($type_name =~ /^(\w+)\[([\w:_\d]+)\]$/) { }