Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 72 104 69.2

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
458 0 15 $lang and scalar @{$lang;}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
120 134 15 0 $type ne 'view' and $type ne 'model'
159 104 9 6 $xhr and not $pi =~ m[(?:$accept_extensions)(?:/[^/]*?)?$]msx
173 59 41 19 $action eq 'read' and not $id
100 7 12 $action eq 'read' and not $id and not $aspect
177 78 13 28 $action eq 'create' and $id
344 67 44 4 not $id and $aspect =~ /^(?:delete|update|edit|read)/msx
350 44 64 3 $id and $aspect =~ /^(?:create|add|list)/msx
514 0 0 15 $charset && !exists $ENV{'REDIRECT_STATUS'}
674 0 62 118 ref $self and not $self->{'namespace'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
81 119 0 $self ||= {}
145 119 0 $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} || 'GET'
147 119 0 $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} || ''
148 1 118 $ENV{'HTTP_ACCEPT'} || ''
149 3 116 $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} || ''
150 15 104 $ENV{'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'} || ''
168 115 4 $entity ||= ''
186 41 78 $aspect ||= ''
187 39 80 $aspect_extra ||= ''
192 84 35 $self->_process_request_extensions(\$pi, $aspect, $action) || ''
203 84 35 $aspect ||= ''
204 84 35 $id || '0'
211 1 1 $util->config->val('application', 'views') || ''
400 15 0 $util->config->val('application', 'name') || 'Application'
421 15 0 $config->val('application', 'name') || 'ClearPress Application'
437 15 0 $self->decorator($util || $self->util)->session || {}
482 15 0 'ClearPress::view'->new($params)->content_type || 'text/html'
676 118 0 $util->config->val('application', 'namespace') || $util->config->val('application', 'name') || 'ClearPress'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
125 149 0 0 $util ||= $self->util
178 21 4 3 not $aspect or $aspect =~ /^update/msx
202 115 2 2 $entity ||= $util->config->val('application', 'default_view')
235 27 7 0 $aspect || $action
324 1 7 0 {'read', 'list'}->{$action} || $action_extended
371 10 43 0 $aspect ||= $action
386 1 0 0 $aspect ||= $action
565 0 1 0 not $code or $code == 200
624 0 0 1 $errstr || $self->errstr
674 118 0 62 ref $self and not $self->{'namespace'} or not ref $self
675 103 15 0 $util ||= $self->util
747 0 0 0 not $code or $code == 200
770 0 0 0 not $code or $code == 200