Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 44 56.8

line true false branch
28 0 0 if 'Apache2::RequestUtil'->can('request')
30 0 11 if (&MP2()) { }
49 0 42 if (&MP2())
53 0 0 if (not $singleton_key) { }
56 0 0 if $DEBUG_UTIL
58 0 0 if $DEBUG_UTIL
71 8 18 if (exists $INSTANCES->{$singleton_key})
75 2 24 if ($ref and ref $ref eq 'HASH')
81 18 8 unless (exists $self->{'transactions'})
93 16 35 if ($cgi)
97 3 48 unless ($self->{'cgi'})
111 1 604 if (scalar @args)
127 20 583 unless ($self->{'config'})
131 0 20 if ($dtconfigpath ne $configpath)
135 1 19 unless (-e $dtconfigpath)
144 0 602 unless ($self->{'config'})
165 15 171 unless ($self->{'driver'})
169 0 15 unless ($dbsection and $config->SectionExists($dbsection))
188 0 1 unless print {*STDERR;} map({strftime('[%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S] ', localtime) . "$_\n";} @args)
205 0 16 if (exists $self->{'dbh'})
262 0 0 if ($line =~ /MySQL[ ]server[ ]has[ ]gone[ ]away/imsx)
266 0 0 unless print {*STDERR;} $line