Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 77 96 80.2

line true false branch
26 0 22 unless $EXPORT_TAGS{substr $_, 1}
28 3 19 @_ ? :
31 22 0 if delete $want{'strict'}
32 3 19 if delete $want{'warnings'}
35 22 0 if delete $want{'has'}
36 22 0 if delete $want{'extends'}
37 22 0 if delete $want{'with'}
38 3 19 if delete $want{'confess'}
42 57 9 unless delete $want{$modifier}
50 0 22 if keys %want
75 0 2 unless my(%rev) = reverse(%$exports)
80 8 0 if ($$stash{$name} and defined &{$$stash{$name};})
82 8 0 if ($rev{$target->can($name)})
89 24 8 unless defined *{$old;}{$type}
119 17 14 if exists $spec{'default'}
121 0 31 if (defined $attr and ref $attr eq 'ARRAY')
127 0 31 if (not defined $attr or ref $attr or not $attr =~ /^[^\W\d]\w*$/s)
132 3 28 exists $spec{'init_arg'} ? :
140 0 31 if ($is eq 'lazy')
146 2 29 if (defined $lazy and not $lazy) { }
0 29 elsif ($spec{'isa'} or $spec{'coerce'}) { }
0 29 elsif (keys %spec) { }
159 1 28 if ($required and 'Class::Tiny::Object'->can('new') == $caller->can('new'))
164 25 3 if ($init_arg and ref $init_arg eq 'SCALAR' and not defined $$init_arg) { }
2 1 elsif (not $init_arg or $init_arg ne $attr) { }
174 6 20 if (defined $default and ref $default eq 'CODE') { }
9 11 elsif (defined $default) { }
185 13 13 if ($is eq 'rw') { }
12 1 elsif ($is eq 'ro' or $is eq 'rwp') { }
1 0 elsif ($is eq 'bare') { }
192 6 6 if $is eq 'rwp'
205 3 23 if ($clearer)
207 1 1 $attr =~ /^_/ ? :
2 1 if $clearer eq '1'
211 4 22 if ($predicate)
213 1 1 $attr =~ /^_/ ? :
2 2 if $predicate eq '1'
217 7 6 if @_ > 1
6 8 if @_ > 1
3 6 unless exists $_[0]{'aaa'}
3 6 unless exists $_[0]{'aaa'}
2 5 unless exists $_[0]{'aaa'}
1 3 if @_ > 1
1 3 unless exists $_[0]{'bbb'}
1 3 if @_ > 1
220 1 25 if $needs_clean
255 0 0 defined $specs{$_} ? :
259 0 0 unless $CLASS_ATTRIBUTES{$p}