Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 54 81.4

line true false branch
318 9 28 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
320 6 31 unless %$tags
331 8 41 if ($unimport) { }
334 0 8 if *$tagger_accessor{'CODE'} and ref *$tagger_accessor{'CODE'} ne $tagger_class
336 0 8 if undef *$tagger_accessor
349 8 6 _ref_type($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? :
12 6 exists $_[0]{$tagger_accessor} ? :
18 141 _ref_type($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? :
14 159 @_ > 1 ? :
353 7 34 if ($tagged_class eq $tagger_class) { }
356 0 7 if *$tagger_accessor{'CODE'} and ref *$tagger_accessor{'CODE'} ne $tagger_class
361 107 107 unless (@_ == 2 and $_[0] eq $_[1])
362 97 10 if $tag eq 'AUTOLOAD'
368 12 202 unless @_ > 1 and ref $_[0] || $_[0] eq $tagger_class
372 12 202 if ref $sub_accessor eq 'CODE'
377 188 14 if ($tag eq 'AUTOLOAD')
384 27 171 unless $_[0]->can($tagged_accessor)
385 2 2 unless *{join '::', ref $_[1] || $_[1], $tagged_accessor;}{'CODE'}
198 4 defined $_[0] ? :
387 7 0 unless *$tagger_accessor{'CODE'}
390 1 33 unless $tagger_class->isa(ref $tagger_class->can($tag)) or $tagger_class->isa(ref $tagger_class->can('AUTOLOAD'))
398 6 42 if ($tag eq 'tagger_class')
411 0 6 if ($unimport) { }
427 0 0 if $sub_wasimport
429 0 0 !$sub_wasimport ? :
447 147 26 unless ref $_[0]
448 26 0 if $_[0] =~ /=(\w+)/