Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 105 166 63.2

line true false branch
95 1 2 defined $binary_op ? :
100 0 28 if (ref $iter->p_element and $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree')) { }
106 10 18 defined $binary_op ? :
121 7 0 $have_sort ? :
126 7 0 $have_sort ? :
131 7 0 $have_sort ? :
137 0 7 if $@
143 2 2 int @_ == 2 ? :
153 2 2 defined $binary_op ? :
158 4 12 @_ == 5 ? :
169 0 63 if (ref $iter->p_element and $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::AbstracTree')) { }
0 63 elsif ($unary_op->isa('Class::STL::Utilities::FunctionObject::UnaryPredicate')) { }
177 0 0 $unary_op->function_operator($iter->p_element) ? :
203 0 20 if (ref $iter->p_element and $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::AbstracTree')) { }
10 10 elsif ($binary_op->isa('Class::STL::Utilities::FunctionObject::BinaryPredicate')) { }
211 9 1 $binary_op->function_operator($iter->p_element, $iter2->p_element) ? :
224 1 2 int @_ == 2 ? :
231 0 49 if (ref $iter->p_element and $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree')) { }
16 33 elsif (defined $binary_op and $binary_op->function_operator($iter_prev->p_element, $iter->p_element) or not defined $binary_op and $iter_prev->p_element->eq($iter->p_element)) { }
255 1 1 int @_ == 3 ? :
264 22 16 if (defined $binary_op and not $binary_op->function_operator($iter_prev->p_element, $iter->p_element) or not defined $binary_op || $iter_prev->p_element->eq($iter->p_element))
277 1 1 int @_ == 2 ? :
284 2 2 if defined $binary_op and $binary_op->function_operator($iter->p_element, $iter_next->p_element) or not defined $binary_op and $iter_next->p_element->eq($iter->p_element)
306 3 2 if ($function->function_operator($iter->p_element))
316 1 1 int @_ == 3 ? :
323 4 10 if defined $binary_op and $binary_op->function_operator($iter->p_element, $iter_min->p_element) or not defined $binary_op and $iter->p_element->lt($iter_min->p_element)
334 1 1 int @_ == 3 ? :
341 6 8 if defined $binary_op and not $binary_op->function_operator($iter->p_element, $iter_min->p_element) or not defined $binary_op || $iter->p_element->lt($iter_min->p_element)
352 3 2 int @_ == 3 ? :
364 2 12 if $iter2->at_end or defined $binary_op and $binary_op->function_operator($iter->p_element, $iter2->p_element) == 0 or not defined $binary_op and $iter->p_element->eq($iter2->p_element) == 0
430 0 0 ref $iter->p_element && $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree') ? :
444 0 4 ref $iter->p_element && $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree') ? :
460 0 3 ref $iter->p_element && $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree') ? :
471 2 0 unless ref $element and $element->isa('Class::STL::Element')
476 0 5 ref $iter->p_element && $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree') ? :
487 2 0 unless ref $element and $element->isa('Class::STL::Element')
494 0 2 ref $iter->p_element && $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree') ? :
508 0 8 if (ref $iter->p_element and $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree')) { }
2 6 elsif ($function->function_operator($iter->p_element)) { }
510 0 0 if (my $i = find_if($iter->p_element->begin, $iter->p_element->end, $function))
527 1 3 unless ref $element and $element->isa('Class::STL::Element')
532 0 12 if (ref $iter->p_element and $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree')) { }
4 8 elsif ($element->eq($iter->p_element)) { }
534 0 0 if (my $i = find($iter->p_element->begin, $iter->p_element->end, $element))
555 22 28 $function->function_operator($iter->p_element) ? :
0 50 ref $iter->p_element && $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree') ? :
567 0 1 unless ref $element and $element->isa('Class::STL::Element')
573 4 5 $element->eq($iter->p_element) ? :
0 9 ref $iter->p_element && $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree') ? :
588 0 18 if (ref $iter->p_element and $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree'))
594 5 13 $function->function_operator($iter->p_element) ? :
605 0 2 unless ref $element and $element->isa('Class::STL::Element')
610 0 13 if (ref $iter->p_element and $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree'))
616 2 11 $element->eq($iter->p_element) ? :
631 0 9 if (ref $iter->p_element and $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree')) { }
5 4 elsif (not $function->function_operator($iter->p_element)) { }
648 0 1 unless ref $element and $element->isa('Class::STL::Element')
653 0 9 if (ref $iter->p_element and $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree')) { }
5 4 elsif (not $element->eq($iter->p_element)) { }
694 0 1 unless ref $new_element and $new_element->isa('Class::STL::Element')
699 0 10 if (ref $iter->p_element and $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree')) { }
4 6 elsif ($function->function_operator($iter->p_element)) { }
721 0 1 unless ref $old_element and $old_element->isa('Class::STL::Element')
723 0 1 unless ref $new_element and $new_element->isa('Class::STL::Element')
728 0 10 if (ref $iter->p_element and $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree')) { }
4 6 elsif ($iter->p_element->eq($old_element)) { }
751 0 1 unless ref $new_element and $new_element->isa('Class::STL::Element')
756 0 9 if (ref $iter->p_element and $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree')) { }
763 4 5 $function->function_operator($iter->p_element) ? :
776 0 1 unless ref $old_element and $old_element->isa('Class::STL::Element')
778 0 1 unless ref $new_element and $new_element->isa('Class::STL::Element')
783 0 9 if (ref $iter->p_element and $iter->p_element->isa('Class::STL::Containers::Tree')) { }
789 4 5 $iter->p_element->eq($old_element) ? :
814 0 298 if $format[$arg] ne 'S' and not ref $_[$arg]
816 24 0 if defined $_[$arg] and $format[$arg] eq 'I' && $_[$arg]->isa('Class::STL::Iterators::Abstract') || $format[$arg] eq 'F' && $_[$arg]->isa('Class::STL::Utilities::FunctionObject') || $format[$arg] eq 'B' && $_[$arg]->isa('Class::STL::Utilities::FunctionObject::BinaryFunction') || $format[$arg] eq 'U' && $_[$arg]->isa('Class::STL::Utilities::FunctionObject::UnaryFunction') || $format[$arg] eq 'G' && $_[$arg]->isa('Class::STL::Utilities::FunctionObject::Generator') || $format[$arg] eq 'E' && $_[$arg]->isa('Class::STL::Element') || $format[$arg] eq 'S' && !ref($_[$arg])
832 0 91 if ($check != int @_)
836 0 0 if /S/
837 0 0 if /I/
838 0 0 if /F/
839 0 0 if /U/
840 0 0 if /G/
841 0 0 if /B/
842 0 0 if /E/