Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 74 153 48.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
177 0 0 2 $k eq 'DEFINE_LOCAL_SUBS' and $v
0 0 2 $k eq 'DEFINE_LOCAL_SUBS' and $v and not $old_v
531 3 0 0 $class ne $nparent and $oparent ne $nparent
538 0 3 0 $class eq $nparent and not $nflags & OVER
3 0 0 $class eq $nparent and not $nflags & OVER and not $oflags & VIRT
542 2 0 1 $nflags & AF and $nflags & OVER
568 3 5 17 @_ and $_[0] eq 'isa'
638 583 30 0 $changed and $verbose || $verbose_sf
836 0 102 16 $caller ne $class and $priv
840 68 0 34 defined $prototype and $prototype eq ''
851 25 4 5 defined $default_class and $flags & CF
854 3 0 2 $flags & RO and not $priv
912 186 1 0 $virt and defined $sub
921 3 182 2 not $over and $code = $class->can($name)
934 182 3 0 $over and not $class->can($name)
1003 1 0 15 defined $prototype and $prototype eq ''
1010 3 2 2 $ro && !$priv
1105 42 8 8 $ro and not $priv
1189 0 0 0 $key and /^_/
1226 0 0 6 @_ and $_[0] =~ /^CALLER=(.*)/
1279 0 0 0 @_ and $_[0] =~ /^CALLER=(.*)/
1335 0 2 11 @_ and $_[0] =~ /^CALLER=(.*)/
1397 288 1 1 $flags & VIRT and $parent ne $class
1442 0 0 0 $priv and not $prot
0 0 0 $priv and not $prot and $parent ne $class
1445 0 0 0 $priv and not $prot
1462 0 0 0 $flags & RO and not $priv
1468 0 0 0 $flags & CF and $flags & AF
1470 0 0 0 $flags & CF and $flags & MF

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
325 22 22 88 $name =~ /^setopt(ion)?s$/ || $name =~ /^setval(ue)?$/
638 0 0 30 $verbose || $verbose_sf
705 0 0 15 @_ or $$cschema{'NUMBER_OF_PARENTS'} > 1
0 8 7 @_ or $$cschema{'NUMBER_OF_PARENTS'} > 1 or $$cschema{'HAVE_CLASS_ATTR_VALUES'}
742 0 6 11 $$cschema{'NUMBER_OF_PARENTS'} > 1 or $$cschema{'HAVE_INSTANCE_ATTR_VALUES'}
814 16 0 205 $flags & PRIV or exists $$cschema{'LOCAL_SUBS'}{$m}
857 0 0 0 shift() || $default_class
864 0 1 0 shift() || $default_class
908 1 0 186 $virt or defined $sub
979 13 11 160 $name eq 'class_init' or $name eq 'init'
24 0 160 $name eq 'class_init' or $name eq 'init' or $name eq 'DESTROY'
1010 0 1 0 shift() || $class
0 3 0 shift() || $class
1108 13 0 2 shift() || $_
1109 5 10 0 ref $self || $self
1129 119 0 9 shift() || $_
1130 40 88 0 ref $self || $self
1155 10 0 0 shift() || $_
1156 0 10 0 ref $self || $self
1176 0 6 0 ref $proto || $proto
1415 0 0 0 ref $proto || $proto
1555 0 0 0 ref $proto || $proto