Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 106 29.2

line true false branch
68 0 21 unless ($coderef)
72 0 21 if ($existing and $clobber) { }
0 21 elsif ($existing) { }
121 0 20 if (defined $COND_LOADED{$targetClass}) { }
122 0 0 if ($COND_LOADED{$targetClass})
124 0 0 if ($DEBUG)
135 2 18 if (exists $INC{$path})
136 0 2 if ($DEBUG)
152 0 18 if (grep {not $_ =~ /^[A-Z_0-9]+$/;} grep({not $_ =~ /::/;} keys %$symbol_table_name))
153 0 0 if ($DEBUG)
154 0 0 if ($DEBUG > 2)
163 0 18 if ($@) { }
168 0 18 if ($DEBUG)
198 0 5 unless ($super_fn)
202 0 5 if ($DEBUG)
214 0 5 if ($DEBUG)
227 0 20 if ($DEBUG)
271 0 26 if (@_ % 2)
278 26 0 if (ref $opts{'args'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
279 0 26 if (@{$opts{'args'};} % 2)
287 0 26 if ($opts{'debug'})
290 0 26 unless $opts{'required'}
291 0 52 unless (exists $raw_args{$argname})
297 0 26 if ($opts{'debug'})
298 0 26 if ($opts{'debug'})
302 52 0 unless $opts{$mode}
304 0 0 unless $set
305 0 0 if (exists $raw_args{$argname})
311 0 0 if ($mode eq 'mutex' and $count_seen > 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($mode eq 'one_of' and $count_seen == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($mode eq 'one_of' and $count_seen > 1) { }
327 0 26 if ($opts{'debug'})
328 0 26 if ($opts{'debug'})
331 0 26 unless $opts{'optional'}
333 66 38 if (exists $raw_args{$argname})
339 0 26 if ($opts{'debug'})
340 0 26 if ($opts{'debug'})
344 0 26 if (keys %raw_args)
376 0 0 if ($singular =~ /staff$/i) { }
380 0 0 if ($singular =~ /^[A-Z]/) { }
401 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
414 0 0 unless (ref $ary1 eq 'ARRAY')
415 0 0 unless (ref $ary2 eq 'ARRAY')
418 0 0 unless (@$ary1 == @$ary2)
423 0 0 unless $matched
453 0 0 unless ($package)
458 0 0 if ($package =~ /$re/)
470 0 0 unless (wantarray)
494 0 0 if defined $v
521 0 0 unless open FH, $filename
539 0 0 unless open $fh, '>' . $filename
552 0 0 if ($JSON::VERSION > 2) { }
567 0 0 if ($JSON::VERSION > 2) { }