Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 51 70 72.8

line true false branch
17 2 14 unless defined $event and length $event
18 3 13 unless _valid_subscriber($subscriber)
22 8 5 if blessed $subscriber
24 5 8 if ($use_method and !ref($subscriber) || blessed $subscriber) { }
43 0 3 unless ref $S{$item}
44 0 3 unless defined $event and length $event
46 3 0 if ($subscriber)
48 3 0 if (defined $event and length $event) { }
64 1 2 defined wantarray ? :
73 0 0 defined wantarray ? :
74 0 0 unless ref $S{$item}
84 0 17 if $event and ref $event
85 0 17 unless defined $event and length $event
90 17 0 unless ($event eq '*')
97 0 20 if ($called{$s}++)
101 4 16 if (reftype $s and reftype $s eq 'CODE') { }
106 10 5 if (ref $s and reftype $s eq 'ARRAY' and not blessed $s)
109 0 16 unless $callable and $method
125 31 14 if ($class) { }
140 32 0 unless $seen{$_}++
181 0 7 unless ref $S{$item}
193 3 42 unless (ref $P{$class})
199 3 1 if $parent eq 'Class::Publisher'
200 1 0 if ($parent->isa('Class::Publisher'))
221 62 60 unless ref $S{$item}
224 53 7 if (defined $event and length $event) { }
232 89 32 unless ref $S{$item}{$_}
241 0 0 unless ref $S{$item} and ref $S{$item}{$event}
249 1 15 unless defined $s
250 1 14 if not ref $s and length $s
251 4 10 if ref $s and reftype $s eq 'CODE'
252 8 2 if blessed $s
259 28 81 unless ref $item
261 0 81 if ($item->can('id'))
269 72 6 if defined $event and length $event