Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 58 58 100.0

line true false branch
32 1 24 if (ref $proto) { }
23 1 elsif ($proto) { }
44 6 19 unless (-1 != $#_)
52 15 4 if ($reftype eq 'HASH') { }
64 1 18 unless (-1 == $#bad_parm_keys)
72 16 2 if (defined $$parms{-'legal'}) { }
82 17 1 if ($$parms{-'required'}) { }
97 17 1 if (defined $defaults) { }
113 2 2 if ($#data == 0) { }
120 17 1 if (defined $base_parm_list)
127 17 1 if ($check_required)
129 2 2 unless (exists $$parm_list{$name})
137 16 2 if ($check_legal)
139 3 22 unless (exists $$legal_names{$name})
146 4 14 unless $error eq ''
161 1 14 if ($#parmnames == -1)
170 2 18 if exists $$self{-'legal'} and not exists $$self{-'legal'}{$keyname}
173 8 4 if (wantarray) { }
223 1 17 unless (ref $parm_list eq 'ARRAY')
228 1 16 if ($#_ > 0 and ($#_ + 1) % 2)
235 9 7 if ($#_ == 0) { }
6 1 elsif ($#_ > 0) { }
244 2 14 unless (ref $parm_ref eq 'HASH')
250 5 9 if ($#parm_keys != $#$parm_list)
254 1 8 if ($#parm_keys == -1)
262 1 18 unless (exists $$parm_ref{$parm_name})
268 1 7 if ($errors ne '')
272 3 4 if (wantarray)
275 3 1 unless (0 == $#parsed_parms)