Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 56 32.1

line true false branch
77 1 0 unless defined $Class::Modular::DEBUG
78 1 0 unless defined $Class::Modular::USE_SAFE
137 1 0 if (not defined $$self{$cm}{'_subclasses'}{$subclass}) { }
143 0 1 unless eval "require $subclass"
147 0 1 if (defined $methods) { }
154 1 0 if (defined $init) { }
159 0 0 unless $self->is_loaded($module)
163 0 1 if $@
167 0 0 if $Class::Modular::DEBUG
187 1 0 if exists $$self{$cm}{'_subclasses'}{$subclass} and defined $$self{$cm}{'_subclasses'}{$subclass}
239 1 0 if ($$self{$cm}{'use_safe'}) { }
263 0 0 if ($@)
265 0 0 if (not $@ =~ /^Undefined function $subclass::_clone at [^\n]*$/) { }
269 0 0 if $Class::Modular::DEBUG
293 0 3 unless defined $method
295 1 2 if (ref $self and exists $$self{$cm}{'_methodhash'}{$method}) { }
321 0 0 unless defined $type
342 0 0 if (exists $$self{$cm}{'_methodhash'}{$method_name})
427 0 0 if ($@)
428 0 0 if (not $@ =~ /^Undefined (function|subroutine) \&?$subclass::_destroy (|called )at [^\n]*$/) { }
432 0 0 if $Class::Modular::DEBUG
461 0 2 unless (ref $self)
466 2 0 if (exists $$self{$cm}{'_methodhash'}{$method} and defined $$self{$cm}{'_methodhash'}{$method}{'reference'}) { }
494 1 1 unless exists $$self{'creation_args'}
522 1 0 unless ($method =~ /^$subclass/)
526 0 1 if (exists $$self{$cm}{'_methodhash'}{$method_name})
527 0 0 if ($$self{$cm}{'_methodhash'}{$method_name}{'overridden'})
528 0 0 if $Class::Modular::DEBUG