Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 76 94 80.8

line true false branch
62 12 2 if $unit
65 3 11 unless $unit and $Class::Measure::type_convs->{$class}{$unit}
119 2 52 if @_
136 3 15 if @_ > 1
158 0 30 if $convs->{$unit}
172 0 8 if @_
209 0 6 if (@_ + 0) % 2
212 10 16 ref $_[0] ? :
214 0 26 unless defined $Class::Measure::type_convs->{$class}{$unit}
216 0 54 if (defined $aliases->{$alias})
255 0 9 if (@_ + 0) % 3
260 1 28 if (ref $_[2] eq 'CODE') { }
8 20 elsif (&looks_like_number($_[0])) { }
20 0 elsif (&looks_like_number($_[1])) { }
275 28 1 unless (ref $conv)
288 132 31 if defined $Class::Measure::type_convs->{$class}{$unit}
296 9 22 if defined $self->{'values'}{$unit}
298 0 22 unless $path
304 1 59 if (ref $conv) { }
322 3 22 if (defined $paths->{$key})
328 22 65 if $path
330 0 22 unless $path
337 87 507 unless (ref $level)
338 594 0 @_ ? :
339 507 87 @_ ? :
340 507 87 @_ ? :
344 22 1400 if ($unit eq $to)
350 319 253 if $depth + 1 == $max_depth
355 65 442 if (_find_path([keys %{$$units{$unit};}], $to, $units, $max_depth, $depth, $path))
368 1 3 if ($opt)
369 1 3 if (ref $two and ref $one) { }
2 1 elsif (ref $one) { }
1 0 elsif (ref $two) { }
370 0 1 if ref $one ne ref $two
385 1 3 if ($opt)
386 1 3 if (ref $two and ref $one) { }
2 1 elsif (ref $one) { }
1 0 elsif (ref $two) { }
387 0 1 if ref $one ne ref $two
402 1 3 if ($opt)
403 0 4 if (ref $two and ref $one) { }
3 1 elsif (ref $one) { }
1 0 elsif (ref $two) { }
417 1 2 if ($opt)
418 0 3 if (ref $two and ref $one) { }
2 1 elsif (ref $one) { }
1 0 elsif (ref $two) { }