Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 96 110 87.2

line true false branch
27 0 23 if ($@ =~ /\AWeak references|weaken is only available/)
55 26 2 if reftype($_[0]) or !1
59 0 2 if overload::Overloaded($_[0]) and overload::Method($_[0], '&{}')
82 3 38 if (grep {$_ eq ':singleton';} @_) { }
100 22 2 if defined $opt
106 0 7 if ref $class
109 1 6 unless @_
112 3 3 if @_ == 1 and not ref $_[0] && reftype($_[0]) eq 'HASH' or @_ > 1 and @_ % 2
116 1 2 @_ == 1 ? :
121 0 9 unless $properties
122 7 2 if (exists $$properties{$prop})
163 1 57 if (@_ == 0) { }
55 2 elsif (@_ == 1) { }
169 45 10 if (blessed($_[0])) { }
9 1 elsif (ref \$_[0] eq 'SCALAR') { }
214 0 0 unless exists $$prop{$old_id}
229 8 52 if ref $opt ne 'HASH'
235 1 57 unless grep {$_ eq $key;} @valid_keys
237 3 54 if $@
246 9 101 unless $label =~ /\A[a-z_]\w*\z/i
249 1 100 if grep {$_ eq $label;} keys %{$PROP_DATA_FOR{caller 1};}
250 38 62 if defined $opt
263 47 0 ref $arg ? :
275 0 25 unless exists $PROP_DATA_FOR{$c}
278 35 18 exists $$properties{$prop}{refaddr $obj} ? :
287 1 0 $type eq 'HASH' ? :
12 1 $type eq 'ARRAY' ? :
6 13 $type eq 'SCALAR' ? :
307 31 51 if @_
317 28 26 if (@args) { }
15 11 elsif ($get_hook) { }
319 25 3 if ($set_hook) { }
321 7 18 if ($@)
331 9 6 if (wantarray) { }
337 3 12 if ($@)
338 9 3 wantarray ? :
358 3 44 if defined $demolish
362 10 68 unless exists $PROP_DATA_FOR{$c}
392 2 3 if (defined $hook) { }
2 1 elsif ($class->can('new')) { }
418 4 21 if defined $hook
424 3 16 if ($singleton) { }
452 4 18 if defined $hook
465 77 17 if (exists $$options{'privacy'} and $$options{'privacy'} eq 'public')
467 22 55 $$options{'set_hook'} || $$options{'get_hook'} ? :
480 53 59 if defined $OPTIONS{$class}
481 76 36 if defined $new_options
489 16 0 if (defined $obj) { }
495 1 0 /HASH/ ? :
12 1 /ARRAY/ ? :
3 13 /SCALAR/ ? :
509 0 22 unless $properties
533 0 9 unless exists $PROP_DATA_FOR{$c}
535 31 4 exists $PUBLIC_PROPS_FOR{$c}{$p} ? :
548 0 29 unless exists $OBJECT_REGISTRY{$obj_id}