Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 11 18 61.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
72 8 0 9 $shorthand =~ s[^(/+)][] and not $backspace
148 0 2 39 $DATA and not @methods
190 15 0 9 defined $offset and $offset >= 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
51 41 0 $self->namespace || (caller)[0] || 'main'
182 0 0 (caller)[0] || 'main'
185 2 22 $delimiter ||= '/'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
64 21 20 0 $CACHE{$CACHE_KEY} ||= do { if ($shorthand) { $backspace = $1 if $shorthand =~ s[^((\.{1,2}/){1,})][]; $backspace = $1 if $shorthand =~ s[^(/+)][] and not $backspace; ($methods) = $1 if $shorthand =~ s/((\.\w+){1,})$//; $myspace = join('::', map({/_/ ? join('', map({ucfirst lc $_;} split(/_/, $_, 0))) : ucfirst $_;} split(m[(?:::|\-|/)], $shorthand, 0))); if ($backspace) { unless ($backspace =~ m[^/$]) { @class = split(/::/, $namespace, 0); if ($backspace =~ m[^//$]) { while (@class > 1) { pop @class; } ; } else { unless ($backspace =~ m[^\./$]) { my(@backspaces) = $backspace =~ m[\.\./]g; foreach $_ (@backspaces) { pop @class unless @class == 1; } ; } ; } ; } ; } else { push @class, $namespace; } ; push @class, split(/::/, $myspace, 0) if $myspace; push @methods, grep(/\w+/, split(/\./, $methods, 0)) if $methods; } ; push @class, $namespace unless @class; my $class = @class > 1 ? join('::', @class) : $class[0]; my $file = "$"; $file =~ s[::][/]g; unless ($INC{$file}) { my(@matches) = grep(/^$file/i, keys %INC); if (@matches == 1) { $class = $matches[0]; $class =~ s[/][::]g; $class =~ s/\.pm$//; } ; } ; $CACHE{$CACHE_KEY} = {'CLASS', $class, 'METHODS', [@methods]} }