Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 34 73.5

line true false branch
63 0 6 if (Class::Easy::try_to_use($$params{'package'}))
76 2 12 if (defined $_[1])
80 1 13 if (not @_) { }
2 11 elsif (scalar @_ == 2 and $ref eq 'GLOB' and defined *{$_[1];}{'IO'}) { }
0 11 elsif (@_ == 2 || @_ == 1 and exists $$driver_config{$_[0]}) { }
11 0 elsif (@_ == 1) { }
87 0 0 @_ == 1 ? :
96 14 0 if (not defined $driver_id) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $$driver_config{$driver_id}) { }
105 5 9 unless (defined $existing_logger)
132 2 12 if ($appender)
143 9 4 if (@_) { }
163 14 10 if defined $$logger{'_layout'} and $$logger{'layout'} eq $$logger{'_layout'}
173 18 40 if ($3 eq 'L' or $3 eq 'P') { }
0 40 elsif ($3 eq 'r' or $3 eq 'R') { }
1 39 elsif ($3 eq '%') { }
182 57 1 unless $3 eq '%'